Press Releases 2022.12.23 Massive marimo algae balls at risk from deadly winter sunburn Press Releases 2022.12.23 Massive marimo algae balls at risk from deadly winter sunburn Press Releases 2022.12.22 Black Hole Activity May Protect Growth of Other Galaxies Press Releases 2022.12.22 Black Hole Activity May Protect Growth of Other Galaxies Press Releases 2022.12.21 Microbial 'Jenga' : how bacteria stack Press Releases 2022.12.21 Shaken or stirred: the key to faster crystal growth Press Releases 2022.12.21 Cells rearrange to shape a tissue during development Press Releases 2022.12.20 Light reverses magnetization and chirality of Weil semimetals Press Releases 2022.12.20 A dehydrated space-weathered skin cloaking the hydrated interior of Ryugu Press Releases 2022.12.20 A dehydrated space-weathered skin cloaking the hydrated interior of Ryugu Press Releases 2022.12.19 Asteroid Ryuguu was born near a comet Press Releases 2022.12.16 Confining quarks Press Releases 2022.12.15 Mapping E. coli to overcome antibiotic resistance Press Releases 2022.12.14 Mapping E. coli to overcome antibiotic resistance Press Releases 2022.12.13 Cabbage white butterflies utilize two gut enzymes for maximum flexibility in deactivating mustard oil bombs Press Releases 2022.12.13 Development of new electrode material that transmits deep-ultraviolet light Press Releases 2022.12.13 Cabbage white butterflies utilize two gut enzymes for maximum flexibility in deactivating mustard oil bombs Press Releases 2022.12.13 Copper and Zinc Isotope Analysis of Ryugu Reveals Origin of Earth's Volatiles Press Releases 2022.12.12 Is it a leaf or is it a petal? Press Releases 2022.12.09 Confining quarks Press Releases 2022.12.02 An exotic quantum state of matter Press Releases 2022.12.01 Flowers show their true colors Press Releases 2022.12.01 Flowers show their true colors Press Releases 2022.11.28 Toward unveiling the cosmic mystery of Fast Radio Bursts Press Releases 2022.11.22 International Team Observes Innermost Structure of Quasar Jet Press Releases 2022.11.09 Out of the blue Press Releases 2022.11.09 Out of the blue Press Releases 2022.11.09 Mother’s cells acquired by babies may help regulate their immune system Press Releases 2022.11.08 Biological lasso: Enhanced drug delivery to the brain Press Releases 2022.11.08 Discovery of Brain Factors Important for Maintenance of Testicular Morphology and Function in Medaka Press Releases 2022.11.04 Elucidate the whole picture and differences between individual mother-derived cell types that are transferred during fetal life. Press Releases 2022.11.04 Mechanisms for coping with ribosome collisions in mammals Press Releases 2022.11.01 Detecting single synapses from activity data of dense synaptic populations using statistical mechanics methods Press Releases 2022.10.28 Directly captured energy supply from electrons to waves of plasma in space. Press Releases 2022.10.27 First identification of rare earths synthesized in neutron star mergers Press Releases 2022.10.25 Elucidating how the topography of lunar crater slopes is still actively changing Press Releases 2022.10.21 Analysis of the world’s first asteroid gas sample that was returned by the Hayabusa2 mission has been published in “Science Advances”. Press Releases 2022.10.21 Volatile analysis of the Hayausa2 asteroid Ryugu sample revealing volatile sources and recent surface evolution has been published in “Science”. Press Releases 2022.10.21 The world's first gas sample from an asteroid from the Hayabusa2 mission: Tamatebako from Ryuguu Press Releases 2022.10.21 Noble gas and nitrogen isotopic composition of asteroid Ryuguu samples Press Releases 2022.10.21 Ryuguu came from the end of the solar system. Press Releases 2022.10.21 Discovered asteroid Ryuguu particles outside the sample storage container of Hayabusa2! Press Releases 2022.10.12 Quantum computer calculations of electronic wave packets of nitrogen molecular ions in intense laser fields Press Releases 2022.10.06 Formation process of "lungs" acquired by the beetles and rotifers that came up from the sea. Press Releases 2022.10.05 Successful detailed simulation and visualization of atmospheric gravity waves during stratospheric sudden warming Press Releases 2022.10.05 Success in capturing the three-dimensional movement of topological "strings" generated in liquid crystals Press Releases 2022.10.02 New Mechanism Discovered for Plant Stomatal Closure in Response to CO2 Press Releases 2022.09.30 New theory predicts Earth-like aqua planets exist around red dwarfs Press Releases 2022.09.27 World's First Observation of Radium Dissolved in Water at the Molecular Level Press Releases 2022.09.23 Formation and evolution of the carbonaceous asteroid Ryuguu: evidence from return samples. Press Releases 2022.09.23 Make the cells glow with two-faced sensors! Press Releases 2022.09.20 Elucidation of the active-type structure of the LPA receptor involved in cancer and pneumonia Press Releases 2022.09.16 Successful visualization of Bose-Einstein condensates generated in the world's coldest excitons Press Releases 2022.09.16 Distribution of Dust Hiding the Galactic Center Black Hole Probed by the "Heartbeat" of Infrared Radiation Press Releases 2022.09.16 Identification of a single, stagnant ribosomal sensor factor, Fap1 Press Releases 2022.09.14 Researchers develop a new way to see how people feel about Artificial Intelligence Press Releases 2022.09.09 Successful automatic analysis of Mössbauer spectrum by Bayesian inference Press Releases 2022.09.08 Aggression de-escalation gene identified in fruit flies Press Releases 2022.09.07 How tardigrades bear dehydration Press Releases 2022.09.07 How tardigrades bear dehydration Press Releases 2022.09.02 New Method to Systematically Find Optimal Quantum Operation Sequencesfor Quantum Computers Developed Press Releases 2022.09.01 Nanodiamond Magnetic Field Imaging - New Developments in Quantum Measurement x Machine Learning Press Releases 2022.08.29 First observation of ferromagnetic seepage into a topological crystal insulator Press Releases 2022.08.25 World's First Clarification of Lung Evolution in Vertebrates as They Moved from Water to Land Press Releases 2022.08.25 Why did cosmic reionization proceed non-uniformly? Press Releases 2022.08.25 Elucidating the Structure of a Special Proteolytic Enzyme that Works in Cell Membranes Press Releases 2022.08.23 Mechanism and significance of time-dependent transcription of the clock gene Bmal1. Press Releases 2022.08.23 Towards Better and Sustainable Weather Forecasting in the Southern Hemisphere Press Releases 2022.08.19 Successful switching of anomalous Hall effect due to distortion Press Releases 2022.08.11 Methylation for Press Releases 2022.08.10 Gold and silver nanoclusters that emit phosphorescence in cells! Press Releases 2022.08.09 Increased trap production by activating traps Press Releases 2022.08.09 Visualization of the PTH1 receptor signaling complex involved in bone metabolism Press Releases 2022.08.09 Red Dwarfs in Short Flash Phenomena Captured by Wide-Field Video Imaging Press Releases 2022.08.05 Successful evolution of E. coli into an insect symbiotic bacterium Press Releases 2022.08.04 Plantlet regeneration from differentiated cells Press Releases 2022.07.26 Discovery of 10 New Species of Limnipedes of the Genus Nipponemertes from Various Locations in the Northwestern Pacific Press Releases 2022.07.22 Elucidating the Origin of Interfacial Resistance in All-Solid-State Lithium Batteries Press Releases 2022.07.21 Unraveling the Mystery of "Non-Isotropic" Effects of Quasars on Surrounding Gases Press Releases 2022.07.21 Elucidation of the multimeric structure responsible for the activity of drugs for the treatment of multidrug-resistant bacterial infections. Press Releases 2022.07.21 Magnetic memory milestone Press Releases 2022.07.21 Magnetic memory milestone Press Releases 2022.07.20 Changes in ocean circulation and extinction of fossil organisms in the Sea of Japan associated with global cooling about 7.5 million years ago. Press Releases 2022.07.14 Elucidating the Transfer of Radioactive Cesium Particles to Aquatic Insects Press Releases 2022.07.14 Calculation of vibrational energy levels of CO2 on a quantum computer Press Releases 2022.07.13 High-speed rotation of an asteroid approaching the Earth captured by instantaneous moving image observation Press Releases 2022.07.13 Researchers capture the first example of an extremely bright, and fast-evolving astronomical event in the distant universe Press Releases 2022.07.12 Doshisha University x University of Tokyo Misaki Marine Biological Station x Gakken Science] Free Online Event Renewal opening on Monday, July 11, 2022" /> Press Releases 2022.07.07 The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Science, School of Science, "Science Gallery" Renewal opening on Monday, July 11, 2022 Press Releases 2022.06.30 How the Dicer-2-R2D2 protein complex senses double-stranded siRNA asymmetry. Press Releases 2022.06.27 Notice of Press Conference "Ten Years Since the Discovery of the Higgs Boson and the Decade Ahead" Press Releases 2022.06.24 Wearable chemical sensor is as good as gold Press Releases 2022.06.24 Developed a method to estimate mechanical parameters of epithelial cells from image data Press Releases 2022.06.24 Wearable chemical sensor is as good as gold Press Releases 2022.06.23 Observation of a nucleus made up of only four neutrons Press Releases 2022.06.21 Institute for Marine Life Around Us [Opening Saturday, July 16, 2022]. Press Releases 2022.06.15 Role of Autophagy in Spermatogenesis in Plants Press Releases 2022.06.14 Seal whiskers, the secret weapon for hunting Press Releases 2022.06.10 Samples returned from the asteroid Ryugu are similar to Ivuna-type carbonaceous meteorites Press Releases 2022.06.10 Silent auroras ionize the Earth's atmosphere deep into the atmosphere. Press Releases 2022.06.10 Ryuguu is made of Ivna-type carbonaceous meteorite Press Releases 2022.06.08 Massive stars moving around in star clusters Press Releases 2022.06.07 Primitive Microorganisms Discovered in Deep-Sea Bottom Hydrothermal Vents Press Releases 2022.06.07 Molecular mechanism behind migration revealed in salt-seeking worms Press Releases 2022.06.01 Molecular mechanism behind migration revealed in salt-seeking worms Press Releases 2022.05.26 Development of an ultra-sensitive, fully automated rapid detection system for novel coronaviruses Press Releases 2022.05.26 Uncovering the identity of a 400-million-year-old mystery vertebrate Press Releases 2022.05.20 Geochemical and particle composition analysis of fill and debris flow deposits from the July 3, 2021 landslide in Atami, Shizuoka, Japan Press Releases 2022.05.18 Identification of natural compounds that inhibit desiccation adaptation pathways in plants Press Releases 2022.05.18 High-Speed Visible Light and X-ray Observations Reveal High-Temperature Gas Surrounding a White Dwarf Press Releases 2022.05.13 Hückel Molecular Orbital Calculations with a Quantum Computer Press Releases 2022.05.12 Astronomers reveal first image of the black hole at the heart of our galaxy Press Releases 2022.04.28 World's Fastest Mass Measurement Launched to Solve Mystery of Elemental Origins Press Releases 2022.04.27 Supercomputer "Fugaku" to explore the origin of carbon Press Releases 2022.04.27 Chiral catalyst and solvent repeatable asymmetric synthesis technology: Reduced environmental impact and energy consumption with aqueous solvents Press Releases 2022.04.25 Molecular interaction networks that promote cell proliferation under insulin stimulation are elucidated from large scale measurement data of biomolecules. Press Releases 2022.04.18 Underwater Creatures Teach Physics Terms in an Easy-to-Understand Way! Notice of the start of "Hobono Physics Keyword Dictionary" video distribution Press Releases 2022.04.15 Super Catalyst for Nuclear Reduction Contributing to a Hydrogen Society Press Releases 2022.04.11 Animal morphological evolution has been limited by the "difficulty of changing body-building processes" Press Releases 2022.04.07 Back and forth between metal and insulator with light and heat Press Releases 2022.04.05 Prenatal Protoplanet Upends Planet Formation Models Press Releases 2022.03.30 JSR Establishes Social Cooperation Program at The University of Tokyo for Development and Social Implementation of New Materials Press Releases 2022.03.29 Visualizing the invisible Press Releases 2022.03.29 Visualizing the invisible Press Releases 2022.03.15 Quantum nature makes spacetime fluctuations in the early Universe to be very symmetrical Press Releases 2022.03.10 Open source rover for field plant phenotyping Press Releases 2022.03.07 Ultrafast Ferromagnetism in Oxide Thin Films Press Releases 2022.02.28 Clever Membrane Proteins Transport Ions with Light Press Releases 2022.02.25 Unique superconductivity appears when calcium atoms are inserted into graphene atomic layers Press Releases 2022.02.22 Successful identification of a group of genes essential for dragonfly metamorphosis from larva to adult Press Releases 2022.02.17 First Discovery of Antiferromagnetic Exciton Insulators Press Releases 2022.02.14 Mechanisms that create inactive regions in plant genomes Press Releases 2022.02.11 Pebbles flying over Ryugu and returned grains Press Releases 2022.02.10 Why were the bumps in the first universe created symmetrically? Press Releases 2022.02.09 First standardization of black carbon measurements in the Arctic Press Releases 2022.02.08 Birth: Diamond's twin brother The smallest cage unit in the new chiral carbon network Press Releases 2022.02.07 Clarifying the 3-D structure of "deep circulation" in the winter stratosphere Press Releases 2022.02.05 Quantitative understanding of metabolic changes and regulation in obesity using mathematical models Press Releases 2022.02.04 Brain Mechanisms for Regular Ovulation in Females Press Releases 2022.02.03 Liquid metal separates in the Martian core. Press Releases 2022.02.03 Physical evidence of the 1611 Keicho Oshu Earthquake Tsunami discovered on the northern Sanriku Coast. Press Releases 2022.02.03 Structural Elucidation of Novel Light-Driven Ion Channels and Creation of High-Performance Molecular Tools Press Releases 2022.01.28 Discovery of magnetic vortices that can be generated and controlled in weak magnetic fields in a "topological atomic layer sandwich structure Press Releases 2022.01.27 Moth-eye structures fabricated by ultrashort pulsed laser processing technology First in the world to be implemented in a radio telescope Press Releases 2022.01.26 Achieved continuous synthesis of tamsulosin, the active pharmaceutical ingredient of Harnal, a treatment for dysuria. Press Releases 2022.01.24 Successful demonstration of the evolutionary process of the operon structure Press Releases 2022.01.20 Discovery of a new species of annelid with a divergent body: King Giedrasilis of Sado Island. Press Releases 2022.01.19 Deciphering the genomic information of highly social termites Press Releases 2022.01.17 New method developed to determine the origin of shellfish Press Releases 2022.01.15 Discovery of an enhancement mechanism of magneto-thermoelectric effect originating from Kagome lattice Press Releases 2022.01.14 Unified electromagnetic response of electrons in solids Press Releases 2022.01.14 Brain Mechanisms Regulating Motivation for Male Sexual Behavior Press Releases 2022.01.13 Did Global Cooling Caused by Volcanic Activity Lead to Dinosaurs' Prosperity? Clarifying the reality of the mass extinction at the end of the Triassic Period Press Releases 2022.01.07 Deep distributed computing for giant phylogenetic tree estimation
Press Releases 2022.12.13 Cabbage white butterflies utilize two gut enzymes for maximum flexibility in deactivating mustard oil bombs
Press Releases 2022.12.13 Development of new electrode material that transmits deep-ultraviolet light
Press Releases 2022.12.13 Cabbage white butterflies utilize two gut enzymes for maximum flexibility in deactivating mustard oil bombs
Press Releases 2022.12.13 Copper and Zinc Isotope Analysis of Ryugu Reveals Origin of Earth's Volatiles
Press Releases 2022.11.08 Discovery of Brain Factors Important for Maintenance of Testicular Morphology and Function in Medaka
Press Releases 2022.11.04 Elucidate the whole picture and differences between individual mother-derived cell types that are transferred during fetal life.
Press Releases 2022.11.01 Detecting single synapses from activity data of dense synaptic populations using statistical mechanics methods
Press Releases 2022.10.28 Directly captured energy supply from electrons to waves of plasma in space.
Press Releases 2022.10.25 Elucidating how the topography of lunar crater slopes is still actively changing
Press Releases 2022.10.21 Analysis of the world’s first asteroid gas sample that was returned by the Hayabusa2 mission has been published in “Science Advances”.
Press Releases 2022.10.21 Volatile analysis of the Hayausa2 asteroid Ryugu sample revealing volatile sources and recent surface evolution has been published in “Science”.
Press Releases 2022.10.21 The world's first gas sample from an asteroid from the Hayabusa2 mission: Tamatebako from Ryuguu
Press Releases 2022.10.21 Discovered asteroid Ryuguu particles outside the sample storage container of Hayabusa2!
Press Releases 2022.10.12 Quantum computer calculations of electronic wave packets of nitrogen molecular ions in intense laser fields
Press Releases 2022.10.06 Formation process of "lungs" acquired by the beetles and rotifers that came up from the sea.
Press Releases 2022.10.05 Successful detailed simulation and visualization of atmospheric gravity waves during stratospheric sudden warming
Press Releases 2022.10.05 Success in capturing the three-dimensional movement of topological "strings" generated in liquid crystals
Press Releases 2022.09.27 World's First Observation of Radium Dissolved in Water at the Molecular Level
Press Releases 2022.09.23 Formation and evolution of the carbonaceous asteroid Ryuguu: evidence from return samples.
Press Releases 2022.09.20 Elucidation of the active-type structure of the LPA receptor involved in cancer and pneumonia
Press Releases 2022.09.16 Successful visualization of Bose-Einstein condensates generated in the world's coldest excitons
Press Releases 2022.09.16 Distribution of Dust Hiding the Galactic Center Black Hole Probed by the "Heartbeat" of Infrared Radiation
Press Releases 2022.09.14 Researchers develop a new way to see how people feel about Artificial Intelligence
Press Releases 2022.09.02 New Method to Systematically Find Optimal Quantum Operation Sequencesfor Quantum Computers Developed
Press Releases 2022.09.01 Nanodiamond Magnetic Field Imaging - New Developments in Quantum Measurement x Machine Learning
Press Releases 2022.08.29 First observation of ferromagnetic seepage into a topological crystal insulator
Press Releases 2022.08.25 World's First Clarification of Lung Evolution in Vertebrates as They Moved from Water to Land
Press Releases 2022.08.25 Elucidating the Structure of a Special Proteolytic Enzyme that Works in Cell Membranes
Press Releases 2022.08.23 Mechanism and significance of time-dependent transcription of the clock gene Bmal1.
Press Releases 2022.08.23 Towards Better and Sustainable Weather Forecasting in the Southern Hemisphere
Press Releases 2022.08.09 Visualization of the PTH1 receptor signaling complex involved in bone metabolism
Press Releases 2022.07.26 Discovery of 10 New Species of Limnipedes of the Genus Nipponemertes from Various Locations in the Northwestern Pacific
Press Releases 2022.07.22 Elucidating the Origin of Interfacial Resistance in All-Solid-State Lithium Batteries
Press Releases 2022.07.21 Unraveling the Mystery of "Non-Isotropic" Effects of Quasars on Surrounding Gases
Press Releases 2022.07.21 Elucidation of the multimeric structure responsible for the activity of drugs for the treatment of multidrug-resistant bacterial infections.
Press Releases 2022.07.20 Changes in ocean circulation and extinction of fossil organisms in the Sea of Japan associated with global cooling about 7.5 million years ago.
Press Releases 2022.07.14 Elucidating the Transfer of Radioactive Cesium Particles to Aquatic Insects
Press Releases 2022.07.13 High-speed rotation of an asteroid approaching the Earth captured by instantaneous moving image observation
Press Releases 2022.07.13 Researchers capture the first example of an extremely bright, and fast-evolving astronomical event in the distant universe
Press Releases 2022.07.12 Doshisha University x University of Tokyo Misaki Marine Biological Station x Gakken Science] Free Online Event
Renewal opening on Monday, July 11, 2022" /> Press Releases 2022.07.07 The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Science, School of Science, "Science Gallery" Renewal opening on Monday, July 11, 2022
Press Releases 2022.06.30 How the Dicer-2-R2D2 protein complex senses double-stranded siRNA asymmetry.
Press Releases 2022.06.27 Notice of Press Conference "Ten Years Since the Discovery of the Higgs Boson and the Decade Ahead"
Press Releases 2022.06.24 Developed a method to estimate mechanical parameters of epithelial cells from image data
Press Releases 2022.06.10 Samples returned from the asteroid Ryugu are similar to Ivuna-type carbonaceous meteorites
Press Releases 2022.05.26 Development of an ultra-sensitive, fully automated rapid detection system for novel coronaviruses
Press Releases 2022.05.20 Geochemical and particle composition analysis of fill and debris flow deposits from the July 3, 2021 landslide in Atami, Shizuoka, Japan
Press Releases 2022.05.18 Identification of natural compounds that inhibit desiccation adaptation pathways in plants
Press Releases 2022.05.18 High-Speed Visible Light and X-ray Observations Reveal High-Temperature Gas Surrounding a White Dwarf
Press Releases 2022.05.12 Astronomers reveal first image of the black hole at the heart of our galaxy
Press Releases 2022.04.28 World's Fastest Mass Measurement Launched to Solve Mystery of Elemental Origins
Press Releases 2022.04.27 Chiral catalyst and solvent repeatable asymmetric synthesis technology: Reduced environmental impact and energy consumption with aqueous solvents
Press Releases 2022.04.25 Molecular interaction networks that promote cell proliferation under insulin stimulation are elucidated from large scale measurement data of biomolecules.
Press Releases 2022.04.18 Underwater Creatures Teach Physics Terms in an Easy-to-Understand Way! Notice of the start of "Hobono Physics Keyword Dictionary" video distribution
Press Releases 2022.04.11 Animal morphological evolution has been limited by the "difficulty of changing body-building processes"
Press Releases 2022.03.30 JSR Establishes Social Cooperation Program at The University of Tokyo for Development and Social Implementation of New Materials
Press Releases 2022.03.15 Quantum nature makes spacetime fluctuations in the early Universe to be very symmetrical
Press Releases 2022.02.25 Unique superconductivity appears when calcium atoms are inserted into graphene atomic layers
Press Releases 2022.02.22 Successful identification of a group of genes essential for dragonfly metamorphosis from larva to adult
Press Releases 2022.02.08 Birth: Diamond's twin brother The smallest cage unit in the new chiral carbon network
Press Releases 2022.02.07 Clarifying the 3-D structure of "deep circulation" in the winter stratosphere
Press Releases 2022.02.05 Quantitative understanding of metabolic changes and regulation in obesity using mathematical models
Press Releases 2022.02.03 Physical evidence of the 1611 Keicho Oshu Earthquake Tsunami discovered on the northern Sanriku Coast.
Press Releases 2022.02.03 Structural Elucidation of Novel Light-Driven Ion Channels and Creation of High-Performance Molecular Tools
Press Releases 2022.01.28 Discovery of magnetic vortices that can be generated and controlled in weak magnetic fields in a "topological atomic layer sandwich structure
Press Releases 2022.01.27 Moth-eye structures fabricated by ultrashort pulsed laser processing technology First in the world to be implemented in a radio telescope
Press Releases 2022.01.26 Achieved continuous synthesis of tamsulosin, the active pharmaceutical ingredient of Harnal, a treatment for dysuria.
Press Releases 2022.01.24 Successful demonstration of the evolutionary process of the operon structure
Press Releases 2022.01.20 Discovery of a new species of annelid with a divergent body: King Giedrasilis of Sado Island.
Press Releases 2022.01.15 Discovery of an enhancement mechanism of magneto-thermoelectric effect originating from Kagome lattice
Press Releases 2022.01.13 Did Global Cooling Caused by Volcanic Activity Lead to Dinosaurs' Prosperity? Clarifying the reality of the mass extinction at the end of the Triassic Period