
The Rigakubu News

The Rigakubu News

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*in Japanese only

Volume 56, 2024

Volume 55, 2023

Volume 54, 2022  *in Japanese only until FY2022

Volume 53, 2021

Volume 52, 2020

» The Rigakubu News before 2019

The Rigakubu News Editorial Committee, Public Relations Committee, School of Science

  • Hirofumi Kunitomo (Biological Sciences) Committee Chairman 
    • Kyogo Kwaguchi(Institute for Physics of Intelligence)
    • Kenta Hotokezaka(Research Center for the Early Universe (RESCEU))
    • Tatsuya Hirasawa (Earth and Planetary Sciences)
    • Takuya Terai(Chemistry)
    • Mizuki Saito(General Affairs Team)
    • Kanako Takeda (Office of Communication)