
News from Academic Affairs

DATE2023.08.02 #News from Academic Affairs

Call for Applications] TOYOBO Biotechnology Research Foundation FY2023 Long-term Research Grants (Study Abroad, Invitation)

Disclaimer: machine translated by DeepL which may contain errors.

Applicants who wish to apply will be selected by the Graduate School according to the following procedures.


Graduate students enrolled in the Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo,

who meet the requirements of the Foundation (see the Foundation's website below)


Refer to the Foundation's website below.

3.Documents to be submitted

a) Data file of the Foundation's prescribed application form (the columns for recommender and reason for recommendation are blank)

(*For the form, please click here to apply.

b) "Letter of Recommendation" signed by academic supervisor and Head of Department

(*Request the form by e-mail to the Academic Affairs Section.


4.Submission address

The address for submission will be provided to those who have requested the form for submission b) above.

5.Submission Deadline

Noon, Tuesday, August 22, 2023

6.Foundation HP

Application Guidelines | Toyobo Biotechnology Research Foundation | Toyobo (