DATE2023.04.14 #News from Academic Affairs
Application Notice] FY2024 JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists DC1 and DC2 (Deadline: 5/25) )
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<Notice for graduate students
Application Notice] FY2024 JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists DC1 and DC2 (Deadline: 5/25)
[Application Notice] FY2024 JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists DC1 and DC2 (Deadline: 5/25)
English follows Japanese
Application Notice] FY2024 JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists DC1 and DC2 (Deadline: May 25)
This is to inform you that the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) has notified us of this matter.
If you wish to apply, please read carefully the "Application Guidelines for JSPS Research Fellowships DC" (Graduate School of Science) and the "Application Guidelines for JSPS Research Fellows for Academic Year 2024" and "Application Form Instructions" on the website of Academic Support Staff, and follow the procedures within the prescribed period.
Starting with the 2024application, we will also accept applications for the Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research). When applying, please use the "Electronic Application System for Researcher Development Program" which is used for the application for special researcher.
If you have any questions, please refer to the "Special Researcher DC Application Guidelines.
Click here to apply for a special researcherIDand password/reissue request.
Deadline for issuance request: Monday, May 22, 2023
*Utokyo account is required to access the online form.
Attachment 01. Special Researcher DC Application Instructions_2024DC0517.pdf
Attachment 02. "List of Faculty Members' Institutional Affiliations"
Graduate School of Science Electronic Application System Submission Deadline]May25, 2023 ( Thursday )
Application guidelines, etc.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS) HP -
Application for FY2024 Research Fellowships for Young Scientists DC1 and DC2 (Notice)
This is to inform you that the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) made an announcement regarding this matter.
If you wish to apply, please thoroughly read the " Procedures for Applications for Research Fellowships for Young Scientists DC " (Graduate School of Science), the "FY2024 Application Guidelines for the Research Fellowships for Young Scientists" and the "Guidelines for Preparation of Application Forms for Preparation of Application Forms" which can be found on the JSPS website and carry out the procedures within the prescribed period.
From FY2024 application, JSPS Research Fellows (Hereinafter, "Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows (Kakenhi")) will only be accepted at the same From FY2024 application, JSPS Research Fellows (Hereinafter, "Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows (Kakenhi)" will only be accepted at the same time.
When applying for Kakenhi, please use the"Electronic Application System for Research Fellowships",which is the same system as the application for the JSPS research fellows.
*Please refer to the "Special Researcher DC Application Instructions" before asking questions.
Online Request form for issuing/reissuing ID and password for the Research Fellowships for Young Scientists
Due date of the issuing request: Monday, May 22nd, 2023
Utokyo account is required to access the online request form.
Attachments -]
"Procedures for Applications for Research Fellowships for Young Scientists DC" (Graduate School of Science)
Attachment 02: "List of faculty affiliations
"List of faculty affiliations" (Graduate School of Science)
Deadline for submission at the Graduate School of Science through the electronic application system] Thursday, May 25, 2023 (*Late submissions will not be accepted) not be accepted)
Application guidelines, etc. -] [JSPS HP - Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS) HP -