
News from Academic Affairs

DATE2021.12.13 #News from Academic Affairs

RIKEN CAREER] Application Deadline is 12/17Job-Based Research Internship

Disclaimer: machine translated by DeepL which may contain errors.

Dear Doctoral student

    About Job-Based Research Internships

 The Job-Based Internship Program was established by 45 companies and 45 universities (as of August 10, 2021) with the aim of matching the way of employment appropriate to Society 5.0 with the learning provided by higher education through the spread of long-term, paid research internships as part of graduate education. The organization was established by 45 companies and 45 universities (as of August 10, 2021).

 You are required to register an account and apply for an internship by yourself using the AKALIK system.
Please make sure to apply by the deadline.

Registration and application using the system
Please watch the video below and review the "System Usage Manual.pdf" and "Items for Student Registration.pdf". Please check the "System Usage Manual.pdf" and "Items for Student Registration.pdf" before you apply.
Related Documents You must have a UTokyo Account to log in.

Deadline for application is 12/17.

Note: Please include kyoumu.s (AT) in the "Add address for email notification sharing" field.
      Check the box "Do not accept scouts from companies. International students are required to engage in activities outside the scope of their qualification.

Reference: Job-based Research Internship Promotion Council (

If you have any questions, please contact the Academic Affairs Team, Science Academic Affairs Division.