
News from Academic Affairs

DATE2022.05.25 #News from Academic Affairs

Open Common Lecture Rooms

Disclaimer: machine translated by DeepL which may contain errors.

To Students of Graduate School of Science and Faculty of Science

During the daytime on weekdays, the common lecture rooms* are basically open to the public when they are not in use for classes or events. You may make effective use of the lecture rooms for self-study. Please use the rooms while paying attention to infection control measures such as ventilation, social distance, and hand sanitizing. Please check with the Department Office of each Department or Division for the availability of their lecture rooms.

Common lecture rooms: 279, 285, 287, 340, 341, 337A

                     (Rooms 380 and 381 are not available)

You can check the availability at the following website (this page is for Academic and Administrative Staff on campus, but it can be accessed from off-campus only)

Graduate School of Science, Faculty of Science