
News from Academic Affairs

DATE2021.07.19 #News from Academic Affairs

The University of Tokyo Special English Lesson Summer Intensive Course 2021

Disclaimer: machine translated by DeepL which may contain errors.

Dear Faculty of Science and Research Student

Special English Lessons (SEL) Summer Intensive Course is now available via Zoom.
Please visit the SEL website for detailed course information and registration information.

Tuesday, July27-Friday, July30,10:00-13:00 each day (3h x 4 days, 12 hours total)
"Pronunciation practice to make 'understandable English' in 12 hours " (any level)
Fee: 22,000 yen (tax included)
[Application deadline: Friday, July23

August16 (Monday) -18 (Wednesday), 13:00-15:00 (2h x 3 days, 6 hours total)
IELTSIELTS(R) Speaking Preparation (aiming at 6.0 )
Fee: 15,000
yen (including tax)
[Application deadline: August2 (Monday )

August19 (Thu.), 20 (Fri.), 26 (Thu.), 27 (Fri.)
Thursday 13:00-15:00 / Friday 10:00-12:00 (2h x 4 days, total 8 hours )
IELTS(R) Writing Preparation (aiming for 6.0)
Fee 20, 000 yen (including tax)
[Application deadline: August2 (Mon.)

utokyo.sel (at)
SEL, Center for Innovation in Engineering Education, Graduate School of Engineering
▶Frequently Asked Questions