DATE2022.04.11 #学務からのお知らせ
【募集通知】令和5年度採用分 日本学術振興会特別研究員DC1、DC2(5/23〆切) [Application Notice] FY2023 JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists DC1 and DC2 (Deadline: 5/23)
令和5年度 採用分特別研究員DC1及びDC2の募集について(通知)
Application for FY2023 Research Fellowships for Young Scientists DC1 and DC2 (Notice)
申請を希望する場合は「特別研究員DC 申請要領」(理学系研究科)及び、日本学術振興会HPにある「令和5年度採用分特別研究員募集要項」、「申請書作成要領」等を熟読の上、所定の期間内に手続を行ってください。(※ 変更や追加があった場合は、こちらでお知らせします)
This is to inform you that the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) made an announcement regarding this matter.
If you wish to apply, please thoroughly read the " Procedures for Applications for Research Fellowships for Young Scientists DC " (Graduate School of Science), the "令和5年度採用分特別研究員募集要項(FY2023 Application Guidelines for the Research Fellowships for Young Scientists)" and the "申請書作成要領(Guidelines for Preparation of Application Forms)" which can be found on the JSPS website (only available in Japanese) and carry out the procedures within the prescribed period.(※ If there are any changes or additions, we will update this page.)
Attachment 02. "Request for issue of Research Fellowships for Young Scientists ID and password"
Attachment 03. "List of faculty affiliations"
【理学系研究科 電子申請システム提出期限】
[Deadline for submission at the Graduate School of Science through the electronic application system]
By Monday, May 23, 2022 (*Late submissions will not be accepted)
[Application guidelines, etc.]
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS) HP: