DATE2022.03.23 #学務からのお知らせ
2022年度「知能社会国際卓越大学院プログラム」募集案内ならびに募集説明会のお知らせ/ “International Graduate Program of Innovation for Intelligent World” Recruitment information and Briefing session
2022年度 知能社会国際卓越大学院プログラム募集説明会
GCL/IIW事務局学務担当 <gcl_gakumu■>(■を@に変更してください)
■日時:2022年4月11日(月)17:00~ Zoomミーティング
ZoomミーティングのURLはセキュリティの関係で,以下のURLに ECCSのアカウントでloginしてご参照ください.
International Graduate Program of Innovation for Intelligent World Recruitment Briefing for FY2022
The International Graduate Program of Innovation for Intelligent World is now accepting applications from those who are in the first year of the master's program in April 2022 and those who will be in the second year of the doctoral program in April 2022. The recruitment briefing will be held online as follows:
* Please contact the following for inquiry if you are unable to attend the briefing.
GCL/IIW Office <gcl_gakumu■> (Please change ■ to @)
■Date: Monday, April 11, 2022, 5:00 p.m. - Zoom Meeting
Due to security reasons, please login to the following URL with your ECCS account to access the Zoom meeting URL.
■How to join: Please access the Zoom meeting at the URL listed in the Docx file at the above URL.