DATE2022.03.16 #学務からのお知らせ
「大学で教える」を学ぼう。東大FFP大学教育開発論 第19期受講者募集について
東大FFP大学教育開発論 第19期受講者募集!
「東京大学フューチャーファカルティプログラム(東大FFP)大学教育開発論」 本エ
ントリー受付中! 大学教員には、研究力だけでなく、教育力も求められます。
2022年度Sセメスター<S1+S2ターム> ・木曜クラス(定員25名)3, 4限(予定) ・金曜クラス(定員25名)3, 4限(予定) いずれも全8回(原則、隔週実施)
【詳細および応募方法】 下記のURLからアクセスしてください。
【募集締め切り】 4月11日(月)9時00分
開催日時/4月8日(金)17時00分〜18時30分 「説明会」申込
チラシ PDF
大学総合教育研究センター 教授・副センター長 栗田佳代子
utokyo_fd (at)
*** (English)***
Let's learn to teach at universities! Call for participants of 1st UTokyo Global FFDP!
Let’s learn to teach at universities! UTokyo Global FFDP 第1期受講者募集!
For graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, researchers, and faculty members who want to enhance their teaching competences! “UTokyo Global Future Faculty Development Program (UTokyo Global FFDP)/ Teaching Development in Higher
Education in English” The entry is now open!
University faculty members are required to have not only research skills but also teaching competences. UTokyo Global FFDP provides a place where you can practically acquire educational skills applicable to anywhere in the world.
☆Obtain a certificate of completion that you can use when applying for a teaching position
☆Graduate students can get 2 credits
☆Access to a network with information on research and recruitments
☆Create bonds with colleagues from different countries and disciplines
Graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, researchers, faculty and staff of the University of Tokyo
【Schedule and Venue】
S Semester 2022 <S1+S2 Term> ・Tuesdays (maximum 25 students), 3rd and 4th period (13:00-16:40) 8 sessions (+ Day 0 for briefing), in principle every other week UTokyo Global FFDP will be held in a hybrid format (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 sessions: Zoom / 5, 6, 7, 8 sessions: in-person).
【Details and how to apply】
☆How to apply: Please follow the link below.
(If the number of applicants exceeds the limit, we will conduct the selection process, based on the information you provide in the form.)
☆Course details (UTokyo FD website): Please follow the link below.
☆The promotion video of the program is here! ⇒
【Application deadline】
Monday, April 11, 23:59
Prior to the application process, an online information session will be held. Date: Friday, April 8, 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to seeing you!
Center for Research and Development of Higher Education Project Associate Professor Gabriel Hervas utokyo_fd (at)
※Please replace (at) with @.