DATE2021.09.21 #学務からのお知らせ
(周知)令和3年9月に卒業及び修了される学生の学割証の発行について/About the Issue of the Student Travel Discount Certificate For Autumn Graduate Students and Researchers (Notice)
理学系研究科・理学部学生各位/For Autumn Graduate Students and Researchers
We have an announcement about the issue of the student travel discount certificate.
The 2021 Autumn Semester Diploma Presentation and Commencement Ceremony will be held on Fri. 24th September 2021. Students and Researchers who will graduate in September 2021 can only receive the student travel discount certificate until Wed. 22th September 2021. If you need one, please make sure to receive it by Wed. 22th September 2021. It is issued immediately from the certificate-issuing machines.