DATE2022.04.21 #学務からのお知らせ
【博士論文】令和4年9月博士学位論文提出期間について~Period for Submission of Dissertations by Students who Intend to Complete the Doctoral Program in September 2022, Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo.
English follows
東京大学大学院理学系研究科 令和4年度 博士学位論文提出期間
1.論文 1部(仮製本)及び※1全文の電子データ
2.論文の内容の要旨 2部
3.宣誓 2部(正1部、写し1部)
4.履歴書(所定の様式) 3部(正1部、写し2部)
5.論文目録(所定の様式) 3部(正1部、写し2部)
△6.同意承諾書(所定の様式) 2部(正1部、写し1部)
8.許諾書(所定の様式) 2部(正1部、写し1部)
△9.博士論文公表方法に関する特例申請書(所定の様式)及び「やむを得ない事由」を具体的に 2部(正1部、写し1部)
10.学位論文受付整理票 1部
7月7日(木) 【締切厳守】 |
受付時間 午前9:30~11:30/午後1:30~4:00
Period for Submission of Dissertations by Students who Intend to Complete the Doctoral Program in September 2022, Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo. |
Students in the final portion of the doctoral program who intend to complete the program in September 2022 should take the following steps in submitting their dissertations upon direction from their academic advisor and head of department.
1. Eligibility: Students who entered / advanced into the final portion of the doctoral program prior to October 1, 2019 and are scheduled to complete the program on September 22, 2022.
2. Documents to be submitted including the dissertation
【1】Dissertation 1 [(temporary binding and ※1electronic data(full text)]
【2】Dissertation Abstract 2 copies
【3】Affirmation 2 (including 1 photocopy)
【4】Resume(designated form) 3 (including 2 photocopies)
【5】Dissertation Table of Contents (designated form) 3 (including 2 photocopies)
【6】Letter of Consent and Acceptance (designated form) 2 (including 1 photocopy)
【7】Checklist for Web-Based Publication of Doctorate Dessertation 3 (including 2 photocopies)
【8】Letter of Authorization 2 (including 1 photocopy)
【9】Application for Publication of Abridged Dessertation(designated form)and documents explaining in detail the “unavoidable circumstances” 2 (including 1 photocopy)
【10】Dissertation Submission Form 1 copy
・ Please submit 【6】【9】only if applicable.
※1 Submit electonic data(full text) to the screening committee chair
3 ."Guideline for Ph.D. Candidates" and designated form (Japanese only)
Both guideline and form will also be available from the relevant URL which is to be informed by email.
4. Period for Submission of Dissertations
July 7(Thurs.)
[There is a strict deadline for submissions, and absolutely no submissions will be accepted after the deadline.]
Submissions Accepted 9:30 to 11:30 am / 1:30 to 4:00 pm
5. Place for Submission of Dissertations
Applicants should submit the documents in person to Academic Affairs Group of the Graduate School of Science,Room 275,2nd floor Faculty of Science Bldg.1