
The Rigakubu News

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Report on Faculty of Science Guidance 2023

Yasushi Matsuo
(Head of Department / Professor, Department of Physics)


On May 1, 2023, the College of Arts and Sciences guidance was held for second-year students of the Faculty of Sciences, marking the change of the format from online to hybrid, which had been held for the past several years, due to the transition of coronavirus infection to class 5 on May 7. The number of participants was about the same as in previous years, with a total of 250, including 130 face-to-face and 120 online participants.

Greetings by Dean Shinichi Okoshi, Graduate School and Faculty of Science

At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Shinichi Ohgoshi, Dean of the Graduate School and Faculty of Science, gave his opening remarks. He spoke of the fascination of science that transcends the scale of time and space and approaches the mysteries of the natural world, and of the joy of science that can lead to major discoveries that affect society through persistent attention to even the smallest findings. In addition, as part of the efforts for gender equality, he introduced female faculty members who are active in the Faculty of Science and their research, and explained about international exchanges. Next, the author explained how Faculty of Science education is conducted. In addition, Mr. Satoshi Ide, Director of the Career Support Office, explained that entering the Faculty of Science is very useful in planning one's future outside of academia, and that job hunting activities are going well.

Next, the heads of the 10 departments in the Faculty of Science gave 5-minute introductions of their departments. Although the time allotted was short, the students were drawn into listening to the passionate talk about the attractiveness of each Department. After May 2, individual guidance sessions were held for each Department, which were also attended by many students.

We hope that many highly motivated students will apply for admission to the Faculty of Science again this year.



Faculty of Science News July 2023
