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Let's go, Faculty of Science! Career Symposium Report
Yoshio Takahashi
(Director of Career Support Office / Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Science)
On Thursday, November 17, 2022, the annual "Career Symposium for Faculty of Science Students: Guidance for Advancement and Employment in the Faculty of Science 2022 Online" was held by alumni and alumnae of science departments. This year, we had the following speakers who have completed doctoral or master's programs in Biochemistry, Physics, and Earth and Planetary Sciences and have entered the private or national public service.

Career Symposium Online 2022 Poster
1. Ken Saito (Doctor of Science, Department of Chemistry, 2013: currently Director, Astellas Pharma Global Development, Bioinformatics) "4-D analysis of research environment : Academia-Japan-USA-Industry-Japan-USA"
2. Miki Nishimura (2018, Department of Physics, Ph.D. (Science): currently Manager, Management Planning Department, Kyoto Fusioneering Corporation) "Always a new world!
3. Yutaka Goto (M.S., Department of Earth and Planetary Science, 2014: currently Specialist, General Affairs Division, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) "Between Science, Technology and Society"
Mr. Saito, who is currently working in the U.S., talked about the importance of obtaining a doctoral degree when seeking employment in the U.S. Mr. Nishimura introduced his experience of moving from a post-doctoral fellowship to a consulting firm and then to a start-up company. Dr. Goto talked about why he chose to become a national public servant after completing his master's degree. Both of these presentations were, as in previous years, very helpful advice on career choices for students in the sciences. This symposium is a place where not only students but also many valuable discussions can be heard. We hope that many people will attend next year's symposium and beyond. Finally, we would like to thank all the professors from the Departments and Divisions who cooperated in organizing this symposium.
Published in Faculty of Science News, January 2023