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Introduction to Experimental Data Analysis
Takemasa Ozawa, Professor, Department of Chemistry

Translated by Graham Currell |
Introduction to Exper imental Data Analysis |
Tokyo Kagaku Dojin (2022) |
isbn 978-4807909919 |
When students enter university, many undergraduate students begin to conduct experiments and learn how to acquire and analyze data. Along with the experiments, students may learn the basics of statistics. On the other hand, when students join a laboratory in the latter half of their undergraduate or graduate school years, they begin to conduct experiments without answers in their research projects. The need arises to analyze the scientific behavior of the data, what kind of data to obtain and to what extent to analyze them. We are faced with analyzing and reporting data scientifically rather than intuitively, such as how much uncertainty there is in the obtained data, whether there is a significant difference between two results, and whether there is a dominant population among several populations.
This book is an introduction to practical methods of data analysis, with examples based on the statistical materials prepared by Dr. Graham Currell for use in chemistry, life sciences, physical sciences, and environmental sciences. It does not touch on the complex transformations of formulas found in statistics textbooks, but rather introduces mathematical formulas and how to use "statistical analysis software," which is necessary for actual data analysis. The first part explains basic statistical concepts and shows how to obtain statistics using Excel commands. The second part of the book explains practical applications using the statistical analysis software SPSS and minitab, assuming a situation where data are actually at hand and analysis is conducted, or where data analysis methods are studied in advance in order to decide on an experimental design. This is a book that may be useful to have on the bookshelf as an introductory book for experimental researchers.
Published in Faculty of Science News, January 2023