
The Rigakubu News

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Wonderland of Science in Homecoming Day 2021

Yuichi Iino (Director, Public Relations Office / Professor, Department of Biological Sciences)

On the occasion of Homecoming Day at The University of Tokyo, the Graduate School of Science and the Faculty of Science invite alumni to bring their children to the "Wonderland of Science," a lecture series aimed at giving children, the future leaders of science, a taste of the fun of science. This year's event was held on Saturday, October 16, 2021, with real-time streaming on the Faculty of Science's YouTube channel, as was the case last year. Following online lectures by two lecturers, an interactive question-and-answer session was held using the online tool "slido," in which questions from the audience were read aloud to the lecturers by students assisting the lecturers.

A scene from Professor Sudo's lecture

After the greeting by Dean Hoshino, Professor Yasushi Sudo of the Department of Physics gave a lecture titled "Are there aliens? and his lecture covered a wide range of topics, including the significance of considering whether aliens exist, the number of habitable planets and the possibility of the existence of life, and attempts to communicate with them. The audience asked various kinds of questions that seemed to have captured their imagination. Next, Associate Professor Kiichiro Koyasu of the Department of Chemistry gave a lecture on the special physical properties of tiny metal clusters under the title of "Invisibly Small Metal Grains. He introduced the method of creating metal clusters in a vacuum or in solution, and the fact that a single difference in the number of atoms can make a big difference in the properties of the metal clusters. In response, many sharp questions were asked about the method of creation using a vacuum and the structure of atoms.

A total of about 400 people participated in the online session. According to the questionnaire, there were participants from elementary to high school students, their parents and the general public, and they were satisfied that they had a good time.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who participated, to the Lecturers, and to all those who prepared for the event and organized it on the day.

Published in the November 2021 issue of the Faculty of Science News
