
The Rigakubu News

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The Corona Disaster also Considering the Future of Female Junior High and High School Students 2020

Kotaro Kono, Head of Department for Gender Equality / Professor, Department of Astronomy

The Future of Female Junior High and High School Students
Poster 2020 "The Future of Female Junior High and High School Students Considering in the Faculty of Science of The University of Tokyo" was held in an online format on Saturday, November 28, 2020.

Associate Professor Asuka Ikai (Department of Chemistry) introduced the Faculty of Science, followed by a lecture by Ms. Mayuri Tashiro, a graduate of the Department of Chemistry with a Master's degree in Analytical Chemistry who is now working for Shiseido, on the topic of "Choosing the Faculty of Science to Broaden Your Life. Her talk was filled with messages of encouragement for junior and senior high school girls struggling with their career paths, including her own high school life when she was interested in various things including music, her time as a student preparing for entrance exams when she faced her weak subjects with encouragement from her teachers, and the relationship between her work at a company and the sciences. Next, Associate Professor Aya Baba (Department of Physics) talked about the appeal of X-ray astrophysics in an easy-to-understand manner, and also stressed the importance of the diversity that the Faculty of Science of the University of Tokyo seeks, saying that there is no need to assume that only such people are interested in becoming researchers. After that, 10 female students representing 10 Departments in the Faculty of Science introduced their research, and the explanation and Q&A sessions in the individual rooms of the ZOOM were so active that the scheduled closing time was exceeded. Although it was regrettable that the number of participants was only 56, we believe that we were able to provide an opportunity for local junior and senior high school students, their parents, and school teachers, who have not been able to attend in previous years, to deepen their understanding.

Finally, we would like to thank all the students who participated in the event, Associate Professor Takeo Minezaki (Department of Astronomy), Assistant Professor Yoshimasa Asano (Department of Biological Sciences), and other members of the Gender Equality Committee, as well as General Affairs Manager Futoshi Yoshimura and other members of the Communications & Public Relations Committee, and all those involved both inside and outside the university.

Faculty of Science News, January 2021
