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The new SPRING GX started in fiscal year 2024!
Shin'ichi Ohkoshi (Dean, School of Science, The UTokyo / SPRING GX Project Director, Professor, Department of Chemistry)
The new SPRING GX has started in academic year 2024. SPRING is a Doctoral student support program of JST, which was launched in October 2021. The University of Tokyo had been selected to support 600 students under the project theme of "Developing High-Level Human Resources to Lead Green Transformation (GX) (SPRING GX)," but the number of students has been significantly increased to 1,154 in the re-adoption in FY2024Note.

SPRING GX project for Doctoral students in all fields, aiming to solve global-scale problems
This project is aimed at solving global-scale problems in all fields of human activities, not only in the fields of science and engineering, but also in the Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology. The program is open to students not only in the fields of science and engineering, but also in all fields of all 15 graduate schools, including humanities and social sciences. Currently, approximately 150 Doctoral students from Graduate School of Science are participating in the program.
In addition to scholarship and research funding, SPRING GX provides various GX-related career development and training content. As the core program, the GX Core Program (Green Future Exchange Meeting, GX Overhead Lecture, and GX Inspire Lecture) is held six times a year, providing a forum for Doctoral students from across the university to meet and discuss. In addition, the GX Inter-University Study Abroad Program and the GX International Conference Overseas Training Program are implemented as overseas dispatch programs, with nearly 200 students sent to more than 30 countries in the past fiscal year. In addition, the SPRING GX also provides and supports the cost of industry-government-academia collaborative internships, holds company roundtables to develop career paths, supports voluntary fusion project research, and produces self-promotional videos.
The SPRING GX Project Management Office is a Central Administration Bureau organization, but an office has been set up in the Graduate School of Science, where the project director belongs, and project management is led by the Central Administration Bureau's Academic Affairs Division and the Graduate School of Science's Accounting and Information Technology Team in cooperation with the Accounting and Academic Affairs Divisions of all 15 departments. The new SPRING GX has been highly evaluated by JST as the flagship of all SPRING projects for its rich contents and smooth operation, and many faculty members and Doctoral students from across the university have expressed their delight that they are able to devote themselves to their research and enjoy a fulfilling life in the Doctoral program.
The new SPRING GX enables some Doctoral students of the University of Tokyo's World-leading Innovative Graduate Study Program for World-leading and Smart Innovation (WISE Program), one of the University's 19 doctoral degree programs, to receive support for various content, including overseas travel, through SPRING GX while remaining primarily affiliated with WINGS. In addition, the University of Tokyo's "BOOST NAIS" project, a newly launched JST project for fostering young researchers and Doctoral students in national strategic fields, is also managed in cooperation with SPRING GX. Through these support projects, we hope to produce many human resources who will lead the world 30 years from now and contribute to solving the most important issues facing humanity. We encourage those who are considering entering a doctoral program to apply!
Note: The Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) Support for Pioneering Research Initiated by the Next Generation Research Initiated by the Next Generation Program (SPRING) program has been re-opened with an increase in the overall number of students supported to 10,800.
Published in The Rigakubu News September 2024