
The Rigakubu News

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Back after a four-year absence! Dean's Party 2024

Yuri Sugie (Assistant Manager, International Affairs Team, Academic Affairs Division)


Dean Ohgoshi tasting yerba mate with Ms. Olivera Grave

The "Dean's Party" hosted by the Dean of Graduate School of Science was held on Friday, March 15, 2024, at noon in the Exhibition Room on the 2nd floor of the 2nd Building of the Faculty of Engineering. A total of 77 people, including 33 students and researchers and 44 Academic and Administrative Staff, gathered for the first party hosted by Dean Okoshi in four years after the Corona disaster. The party opened with an address by Dean Shinichi Okoshi, followed by a short chat, speeches by international students, and a performance.

First, Mr. Maxwell Jacob Sigal, a first-year doctoral student in the Department of Chemistry, excited the audience with his speech, "How not to prepare a presentation. He has been conducting model validation using satellite observation data in the stratosphere, as well as clarifying the distribution of gravity waves that cannot be captured by satellites and the reasons for this.

Next, Mr. Gabriel Teixeira Guimarães, International Research Student, Department of Astronomy, gave a fascinating introduction about his country, Brazil.

Finally, Ms. Victoria Hipatia Olivera Craig, International Research Student, Department of Earth and Planetary Science, explained about yerba mate, which was born in her home country, Argentina, and demonstrated how to make it. She gave the yerba mate tea she made on the spot to Dean Okoshi, who also treated the participants to a cup, so that everyone could enjoy the tea together.

After the fun and humorous performance by the foreign students, Mr. Jun Ohashi, Chairperson of the International Exchange Committee, gave a speech. The participants enjoyed a lively discussion, and the reception was a great success. We would like to thank once again everyone who participated.


The Rigakubu News, May 2024
