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The 36th Public Lecture of the Shool of Science
Kazuo Enomoto (Director, Public Relations Office / Professor, Department of Biological Sciences)

Public Lecture
(Top: Lecturer Takashi Ishida, Middle: Associate Professor Ryota Akiyama, Bottom: Associate Professor Kazuhiro Shimasaku)
The 36th Public Lecture titled "The World Opened by Science" was held on Friday, March 8, 2024, in a hybrid format (on-site participation at Koshiba Hall and live-streaming on the Faculty of Science's YouTube channel). This is an annual event held by the Faculty of Science and Graduate School of Science to convey the excitement of science to the general public.
First, Takashi Ishida, Lecturer (Department of Information Science) gave a presentation on "How good can machine learning get? (Department of Information Science), introduced a method for estimating Bayesian errors based on the latest research and its application examples, followed by an outlook on the future possibilities of machine learning. Next, Assistant Professor Ryota Akiyama (Department of Physics) focused on semiconductors and explained their mysterious properties and their applications in society, introducing the forefront of research, as "To conduct electricity or not to conduct electricity, that is the question. Finally, Associate Professor Kazuhiro Shimasaku (Department of Astronomy) gave a presentation on the characteristics and evolution of galaxies, their relationship with supermassive black holes, and the hidden connection between galaxies and us, while introducing the latest observation results.
Many questions were asked through Slido, and it seemed to be an effective time for both local participants and online viewers to deepen their understanding of the lecture content. Under the supervision of the Communications & Public Relations Committee of the Faculty of Science, the Public Relations Office and the Information Technology Team collaborated in the preparation, recording, and distribution of this lecture. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all those who viewed the lectures both onsite and online, and to all those who assisted in various ways.
Published in The Rigakubu News, May 2024