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The 2023 Advisory Council of the Graduate School of Science and Faculty of Science was held
Shinji Tsuneyuki (Council Member, Vice Dean/Professor, Department of Physics)
Above: The Advisory Council
Bottom: Laboratory tour (Associate Professor Akito Kusaka, Department of Physics)
The 23rd Advisory Council of the Graduate School of Science was held on Wednesday, February 28, 2024. The Advisory Council was chaired by Dr. Maki Kawai and attended by Dr. Kiyokazu Agata, Dr. Sachiko Okumura, and Dr. Shigeo Koyasu, and held a lively face-to-face discussion from 11:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m., with a laboratory tour in between.
At the Advisory Council, Dr. Shinichi Okoshi, Dean of Graduate School of Science, first reported on the current status of the Graduate School of Science and School of Science, explaining various events held in FY2023, the personnel situation, and the financial situation, followed by examples of excellence, such as thesis metrics, research topics, press releases, and awards received by researchers. A committee member suggested that the University of Tokyo consider ways to express excellence, such as international presence and originality of research, in terms other than numerical values, since the University of Tokyo has signed the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA). After lunch, a tour of the Faculty of Science library, guided by Assistant Dean Takemasa Ozawa and Head of Department Library, was conducted, followed by a tour of the Kusaka Laboratory of the Department of Physics.
Next, as examples of social contribution/connections with society, he introduced patent citations and business development of research results in science, the establishment of Corporate Sponsored Research Programs and Social Cooperation Programs, comprehensive cooperation with companies and industry-academia collaboration projects, and spoke highly of recent activities. Regarding the status of various outreach and public relations activities and the Todai Foundation, it was suggested that periodic face-to-face meetings with the press be held.
With regard to internationalization efforts, the committee discussed the Double Degree Program, which the University of Tokyo was the first science department to launch with an overseas university, the Global Science Course (GSC), the Global Science Graduate Course (GSGC), the Global Science Innovative Graduate Study Program (GSGC), and the Global Science International exchange programs for students such as the Global Basic Science Course (GSC), the Global Science Graduate Course (GSGC), the Global Standard International Course of Science, the Study and Visit Abroad Program (SVAP) for Faculty of Science students, and the University of Tokyo Research Internship Program (UTRIP) are currently under preparation. The committee members explained about the international exchange programs for students, such as the Global Standard Science and the International Course of the Faculty of Science, which is under preparation. The committee members gave many ideas for the future regarding the global standard of science and the related College of Design.
Next, Dr. Yasushi Matsuo, Assistant Dean and Chair of the Academic Affairs Committee, talked about undergraduate and graduate education; Dr. Kaoru Sato, Vice Dean, talked about the Office of Gender Equality; Dr. Satoshi Ide, Assistant Dean, talked about the Student Support Office and Career Support Office; Dr. Shinji Tsuneyuki, Vice Dean, talked about the activities of the Office of Research Strategy and Development; and Dr. Kazuo Enomoto, Vice Dean, talked about the Public Relations Committee and the Public Affairs Office. Vice Dean Kaoru Sato again reported on the Environmental Safety Management Office.
Through the above exchange of opinions, we received many comments on how to improve the ratio of female students in the sciences. Regarding the fact that the ratio of female students has not increased much over the past 20 years, it was pointed out that efforts should be made to increase the number of female applicants to Todai, and it was suggested that more opportunities be created to convey the attractiveness of the Faculty of Science to female students. In order to increase the ratio of female faculty members, it is important not only to increase the ratio of female students, which is the population, but also to follow up with them until they are able to take an active role in the post, so that they will eventually return as faculty members. He also pointed out that gender equality measures support young researchers, regardless of gender, and that we should continue them patiently.
Finally, Dr. Kawai commented that it is a time when the university is about to change, and that he would like the Graduate School of Science and Faculty of Science to take the initiative in making advanced efforts, especially with regard to internationalization. After the Advisory Council, a round-table meeting was held, during which there was a lively exchange of opinions.
As described above, we are grateful for the many constructive opinions and ideas we received from the Advisory Council members, and we are keenly aware that the Advisory Council is a strong ally with whom we can work together for the future of the Graduate School of Science and the School of Science. Once again, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Advisory Council members who took time out of their precious time to attend the meeting.
A ppendix: List of Advisory Council Members for FY2023 (titles omitted)
Kiyokazu Agata, Director, National Institute for Basic Biology, National Institutes of Natural Sciences
Yasuhiro Iye, President, Chubu University
Sachiko Okumura, Professor, Faculty of Science, Japan Women's University
Maki Kawai, Director, National Institutes of Natural Sciences
Shigeo Koayasu, Executive Vice President, Research Organization for Quantum Science and Technology/span> Kimio Hanawa, Director, Executive Vice President, Yamagata University
Published in The Rigakubu News May 2024