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Assistant Professor Marie Yoshikiyo wins the 40th Inoue Research Encouragement Award
Asuka Namai, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry

Assistant Professor Marie Yoshikiyo
Assistant Professor Marie Yoshikiyo of Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Chemistry, has received the 40th Inoue Research Encouragement Award. The award was given to Yoshikiyo for her Doctoral dissertation on the spectroscopic properties of epsilon-type iron oxide nanoparticles in the millimeter wave and terahertz wave regions.
Epsilon-type iron oxide is a unique magnetic material that exhibits one of the highest coercivity and highest frequency millimeter-wave absorption among oxides due to its magnetic anisotropy derived from a characteristic crystal structure with broken inversion symmetry among iron oxide crystal phases. Yoshikiyo focused on the spectroscopic properties of epsilon-type iron oxide and its metal substituents, especially those spanning from the millimeter wave region to the terahertz wave region, and observed resonances in the millimeter wave region and lattice vibrations in the terahertz region due to the precession of magnetization. In addition, we have also performed phonon mode calculations for epsilon-type iron oxide and theoretically verified the results. Through these studies, he is deepening our understanding of the origin of magnetic anisotropy. Yoshikiyo's research has also led to the proposal of a new magnetic recording method in which the writing of magnetization is assisted by millimeter waves, which is an important finding with industrial applications. We look forward to the further development of Dr. Yoshikiyo's research.
The Rigaku-bu News, January 2024