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Report on the "2023 Honorary Professors of the School of Science, UTokyo" meeting
Shinji Tsuneyuki (Vice Dean / Professor, Department of Physics)

Top: Professor Shogo Tachibana (Director, UTokyo Organization for Planetary and Space Science) giving a lecture
Below: Photo taken in the foyer in front of Koshiba Hall, School of Science Building No. 1
The 2023 Faculty Council of Emeritus Professors of the Graduate School of Science was held on Thursday, October 19, at 4:00 p.m. in Koshiba Hall in a hybrid face-to-face and online format. The Emeritus Professor Meeting is an annual autumn event of the Graduate School of Science, inviting Professors Emeritus who have long preserved and nurtured the free and open-minded climate and earnest approach to learning of the Graduate School of Science and Faculty Council, to introduce the current status of the Graduate School and to exchange pleasantries. This year, 16 Professors Emeritus, including Professor Hidenori Hashimoto, who retired at the end of 1986, and Professor Atsushi Koma, President of the Faculty Council of Emeritus Professors, participated in person, and 9 Professors Emeritus participated online. From the current Academic and Administrative Staff, 11 people participated, including the Graduate School Dean and other members of the Executive Committee, the Head of Department, the General Manager from the Administrative Division, and the Managers of each section.
At first, Dean Shinichi Okoshi introduced the current status of Graduate School of Science. In addition to personnel and financial matters, he introduced new initiatives such as the Double Degree Program with overseas universities, which was spearheaded by the Graduate School of Science, and the Global Standard Division of Science Education, which was approved as part of the budget request. Next, Professor Shogo Tachibana, Director of UTokyo Organization for Planetary and Space Science, gave a lecture titled "Samples brought back from Asteroid Ryuguu and Future Solar System Science," which was followed by a very active Q&A session with Professor Emeritus. After the lecture, the audience moved to the foyer for a face-to-face discussion. During the round-table discussion, each Emeritus Professor gave a brief update on his or her recent activities.
I am happy to have the opportunity to talk directly with my seniors and receive their warm support and encouragement after the Corona disaster. I look forward to the participation of even more Emeritus Professors next year.
The Rigaku-bu News, November 2023