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Faculty of Science Image Contest 2023 "The Beauty of Science
Atsushi Matsuo (Chair of Open Campus Committee / Associate Professor, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences / Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics)

The warm heart of worms
Shinichi Miyazaki, Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences

"Relay Point of Fragrance
Katsuta Morikawa, Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences

Lunar and Uranian Eclipses" Fumihiro Naokawa, 1st year doctoral student, Department of Physics
Perhaps the loosening of the entry requirements was a success, as a total of 30 entries were received, including those from undergraduate students. Since the Open Campus was held online again this year, the Communications & Public Relations Committee voted to select one Grand Prize winner and two Excellence Award winners.
This year's judging process was extremely difficult. As in the previous year, the votes were split, and the committee was forced to take a runoff vote, but even that did not decide the winner, and the ranking was determined by the total number of votes received. We would like to ask for your understanding that there were many works that were as excellent as the prize-winning works. Thank you very much for all the hard work that went into preparing the images.
The Grand Prize winner, "The warm heart of worms," is a micrograph of nematodes in the shape of a heart, as can be seen. The purpose of the research cannot be read from the photograph, but the warm heart of the person who took the picture is certainly conveyed. It is a wonderful photograph in which we can feel the breath of the researcher.
The Excellence Award winner, "Relay Point of Fragrance," is a photograph of olfactory cells of a mouse. It is good to be impressed by the beauty and mystery of the cells that weave life together, and to view it with a detached mind.
The Excellence Award winner, "Lunar and Uranian Eclipses," is an "on-the-spot" photograph that captures the "decisive moment" of a rare celestial phenomenon that occurred in November of last year. Because the normally bright moon was dark during the total lunar eclipse, the dark Uranus, which was close by, was apparently clearly visible.
Other entries are also introduced on the School of Science website.
Faculty of Science News September 2023