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Report on the Faculty of Science Open Campus 2023 "Science Opens the Way to the Future
Atsushi Matsuo (Chairman of the Open Campus Committee / Associate Professor, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences / Department of Mathematics)
This year's Open Campus was held on August 2 (Wed.) and 3 (Thu.), 2023. Although it was possible to hold the event in person due to the transition of the new coronavirus infection to category 5, it was held online due to the policy of the Central Administration Bureau. Although we were blessed with a large number of participants (8,914 viewed), the number of participants decreased compared to last year, probably because high school students became more active in outdoor activities.

Above: Lecture by a student from the Department of Information Science
(Yusuke Matsushita, 3rd year doctoral student, and Takashi Nakayama, 1st year master's student)
Bottom: Lecture by a student from the Department of Astronomy
(Dr. Yoshiho Morii, 2nd year student of the doctoral course and Ms. Kanaka Narita, 2nd year student of the master's course)
The study of science is an endeavor to solve the mysteries of the natural world out of intellectual interest, and there are countless examples of how the results of this endeavor have supported us in unexpected ways. The poster featuring the catchphrase "Science Opens the Future" was an outstanding piece of work.
The lectures organized by the Faculty of Science were broadcast live from Koshiba Hall, as was the case last year. The two student lectures were truly excellent, and the young people's youthful delivery made the lectures more appealing to the audience. The lectures by professors from various departments and facilities were full of individuality, with some bringing in experimental equipment for demonstrations and others going into more advanced topics to show the true nature of their research. Such a wide range of lectures showed the rigorous pursuit of truth, as well as the freedom of ideas and the open-mindedness of the Faculty of Science.
In addition, we have received reports that the on-demand lectures, introduction to the facilities, virtual tours, consultation and questioning corner of each department, and consultation corner for female junior and senior high school students organized by the Gender Equality Committee were well received by the public. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed to the Faculty of Science Open Campus.
Faculty of Science News, September 2023