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Report on "The Future of Female Students in Middle and High Schools 2023
Kaoru Sato (Vice Dean, Head of Department for Gender Equality / Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Science)
An event to promote advancement to the Faculty of Science, "The Future of Female Junior and Senior High School Students," was held online on Saturday, July 22, 2023. Participants included 32 junior high school girls, 43 high school girls, and 3 family members. In her opening remarks, the Director of the Gender Equality Office, while introducing her own research activities in Antarctica, told the audience that in the Faculty of Science, one can acquire the ability to create from "zero," that the development of science requires a variety of ideas and personalities, and that there are high expectations for women. Associate Professor Asuka Ikai of the Department of Chemistry introduced the Faculty of Science, followed by a lecture entitled "Science Helps You" by Dr. Ayaka Masada, a researcher at XTIA Corporation. D. degree in the Department of Physics, Ms. Masada conducted research at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) before moving to XTIA. He introduced not only his research and work, but also how he changed jobs and how science is related to his life.
From the lecture by Associate Professor Fumi Egusa
Next, Associate Professor Fumi Egusa of the Institute of Astronomy gave a lecture titled "How to Create a Spiral Galaxy" and introduced her career choice. Both lectures drew many questions. In the second half, TA (teaching assistants) from 10 departments in the Faculty of Science and graduate students from the same departments introduced themselves, followed by introductions of their research and questions in five rooms. Many positive comments were received in the questionnaire, such as "It was interesting to learn about cutting-edge research," "My career options have expanded," "I now have an image of university life and research," "I feel that the world is becoming a place where women can be active," and "I enjoyed the casual question-and-answer session with the TAs.
We would like to express our gratitude to Ms. Masada, Dr. Egusa, and the TAs for their lectures, to the Gender Equality Committee for their careful preparation and execution of this event, and to the members of the General Affairs and Public Relations teams and other related parties.
Faculty of Science News, September 2023