DATE2023.06.12 #Press Releases
NII takes the lead in providing an open database of educational materials on quantum technology
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~Collaboration with Kyushu University, Keio University, Nagoya University, and the University of Tokyo to promote human resource development in quantum technology~.
National Institute of Informatics
Kyushu University
Keio University
Nagoya University
The University of Tokyo
Announcement Summary
The National Institute of Informatics (NII; Director: Yoshio Kurohashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) of the Research Organization of Information and Systems (RISIS), an Inter-University Research Institute, has developed a database of educational materials containing a variety of contents related to quantum technology, including diagrams, graphs, practice problems and program codes, and started to make it available to the general public from June 12 (Mon). The database is now available to the public.
Center for Advanced Study of Quantum Technology: https: //
This educational material database is provided based on the concept of open science by the Center for Advanced Quantum Technology Education, which was established in collaboration with NII, Kyushu University, Keio University, Nagoya University, and the University of Tokyo. It is expected that this educational material will be widely used in university education and research through the Internet, thereby contributing to human resource development in the field of quantum science and technology.
Figure: Researchers from five institutions provide contents to the educational material database of the Center for Advanced Quantum Technology Education
Professor Mio Murao of the Department of Physics is participating in the construction of this educational material database and the Center for Advanced Quantum Technology Education.
For more information, please visit the website of the National Institute of Informatics.