
Press Releases

DATE2024.10.22 #Press Releases

Development of "iTraNet" web application for building and analyzing trans-omics networks

—— Toward a Comprehensive Understanding of Biological Systems——


A research group led by Hikaru Sugimoto, a graduate student, Keigo Morita, an assistant professor, and Shinya Kuroda, a professor at the University of Tokyo has developed a web application called "iTraNet" (Figure). This application can construct and analyze trans-omics networks from various types of omics data measured by RNA-seq, mass spectrometry, and other methods.

Using iTraNet, we found that in wild-type mice, hub molecules within the network tended to respond to glucose administration, whereas in obese mice, this tendency disappeared. With its ability to facilitate network analysis, we anticipate that iTraNet will help researchers gain insight into living systems. iTraNet is freely available at

Figure:Overview of iTraNet.
iTraNet requires transcriptome, proteome, and/or metabolome data, as input. iTraNet is designed to visualize and analyze four distinct categories of biological networks: gene regulatory networks (including transcription factors (TF), microRNA (miRNA), and mRNA); protein (mRNA)–protein (mRNA) interactions; metabolic networks (including enzyme, mRNA, and metabolite); and metabolite exchange networks (including transporter, mRNA, and metabolite). Finally, iTraNet outputs a comprehensive visualization of the four types of biological networks, maps for each metabolic pathway, and results of the network analyses.

Links:JST(in Japanese)


Journal Bioinformatics Advances
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