DATE2024.10.29 #Awards & Prizes
Professor Hidenori Takagi won the James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials from the American Physical Society

Professor Hidenori Takagi
Professor Hidenori Takagi, Department of Physics, has been awarded the American Physical Society (APS) James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials. We offer our sincere congratulations.
The prize is awarded annually to one to several researchers from around the world to “recognize and encourage outstanding achievement in the science and application of new materials” and is known as a prestigious prize in the field of condensed matter physics and materials science.
The award is given “for seminal theoretical and experimental research, materials design and discoveries that pioneered the exploration of novel forms of topological quantum matter in spin-orbit assisted Mott insulators realized in transition metal oxides”. Professor Takagi has led the research field on new materials and novel phenomena in strongly correlated electron systems based on 3d electrons including the cuprate high-Tc superconductors. On the other hand, 5d electron systems have a more spatially extended electron cloud than 3d electron systems and had not received much attention because electron correlation effects were generally considered absent. Professor Takagi has demonstrated strong electron correlation effects in the 5d electron systems by experimentally revealing a new type of 5d electron-based Mott insulators realized through the strong entanglement between spin and orbital. He has also discovered a series of candidate materials for topological quantum spin liquids in 5d electron systems, which are possible only though spin-orbital entanglement, and has elucidated their striking physical properties. Inspired by these studies, many related trends have since emerged in the fields of condensed matter physics and solid-state chemistry, and further discoveries of novel quantum phases are expected in the future.
We congratulate Professor Takagi on this award and look forward to his continued success.
APS 2025 James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials
(Responsibility: Director of Trans-scale Quantum Science Institutes / Professor Satoru Nakatsuji, Department of Physics)