
The Rigakubu News

Creating new eyes that can “see” space

Takashi MiyataProfessor, Institute of Astronomy 

Graduated from the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University in 1993 and completed his doctoral program in Astronomy at the Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo in 1998. D.Sc. After working as an RCUH researcher with the Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan in Hawaii, he was appointed an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Astronomy Kiso Observatory, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo, and an Associate Professor in the Department of Astronomy, Graduate School of Science, before assuming his current position in 2017.

Q. What were your favorite subjects as a child?
A. Drawing as a part of arts and crafts classes 
I have loved drawing since I was a child, so I enjoyed arts and crafts classes where I could draw whatever I wanted during school time. On the other hand, I was not good at music, especially playing musical instruments. I still get uneasy when I see a recorder.

Q. What were your interests when you were in junior high or high school?
A. Personal computers 
I remember that at the time I amused myself by creating totally impractical programs using the programming language BASIC on MSX and FM77 computers.

Q. What books or textbooks would you recommend for students?
A. Various novels
Students will have to read research papers and books sooner or later even if they don't want to. So, while they have the time, it would be beneficial for them to read various novels to experience vicariously the lives and thoughts of people different from themselves.

Q. What are your hobbies?
A. Listening to music in the bath
Every day I look forward to my routine of soaking in the bathtub with music playing on my waterproof speakers. I listen to all kinds of music, but my recent favorites are Japanese jazz musicians such as akiko and bohemianvoodoo.

Q. Do you consider yourself lucky?
A. Yes
I’ve gotten help from other people many a time. I don't know if I would call it luck, but I believe that chance encounters have shaped the person I am today.

Q. What are your sources of inspiration?
A. Conversations with people
I find it difficult to formulate my thoughts just by thinking hard, but all of a sudden ideas take shape whenever I talk with other people.

Q. Do you think there is extraterrestrial life?
A. At this point, I cannot say either way.
I am a space researcher so I can't make any comments without having scientific evidence.


ー Message ー

I think that “doing natural science” means doing things that no one else does.


School of Science News, July 2023 issue

Meet the Researchers in the Sciences

― This article is from the "Meet Researchers in the Sciences" series in The Rigakubu News ―

Translated by Office of Research Strategy and Development