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Report on the Faculty of Science Image Contest 2021
Shinya Takamaeda, Chairperson of the Open Campus Committee
In conjunction with the Faculty of Science Open Campus, we held our annual Image Contest, and received 12 entries in fiscal year 2021. As a result of voting by the Faculty of Science Communications & Public Relations Committee members, one Grand Prize winner and two Excellence Award winners were selected as follows. Congratulations to the winners!
Grand Prize |
Spaceship at the bottom of the sea |
Taro Yoshimura (First-year student, Master's course, Department of Earth and Planetary Scie nce) |
This is a reflection electron image taken by field emission scanning electron microscopy of a coccolithophorid symbiotic with marine benthic animals (mollusks). The microscopic world of black and white, where an oasis of living organisms spreads out - to the observer, it was as if he or she had landed on a distant planet. |
The Grand Prize went to Taro Yoshimura, a first-year master's student in the Department of Earth and Planetary Science, for his "Spaceship on the Seafloor. This is a reflected electron image of circular stone algae symbiotic with seafloor mollusks. The black-and-white microscopic world that unfolds in this oasis of life makes us feel as if we have landed on a distant planet. The first Excellence Award went to Yusei Doru, a second-year doctoral student in the Department of Biological Sciences, for his work entitled "Just GO for it. It is a micrograph of the epidermis of a leaf of a water plant called "Mizuhakobo," and two fully opened pores look like the letter "GO" next to each other. The other Excellence Award went to Hui Hsin Khoo, a second-year doctoral student in the Department of Chemistry, for his "Little ions, large visuals. This is the first image obtained by a new analytical method combining sampling by laser irradiation, ionization by plasma, and ion detection by mass spectrometry. The ginkgo trees that emerge are beautiful.
All of the entries, including these three works, were unique and evoked a sense of the mystery of science. All of the entries will be posted on the Faculty of Science website. We hope you will enjoy the mystique of these photographs.
All entries can be viewed on the Faculty of Science website.
Published in the September 2021 issue of Faculty of Science News