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Professor Makiko Sasada was selected as a "NISTEP 2024 Nice Step Researchers".
Shigeki Aida, Professor, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences / Concurrent Professor, Department of Mathematics

Professor Makiko Sasada
Congratulations, Dr. Sasada, on being selected as one of the "Nice Step Researchers 2024". As a colleague in the Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences and a researcher in the same field of probability theory, I am very pleased.
I first became aware of Dr. Sasada's name when she received the 2010 Takebe Katahiro prize for encouragement of young researchers
from the Mathematical Society of Japan. The title of the award at that time was "Hydrodynamic limit for systems of non-gradient type" and Dr. Sasada continues to conduct a wide range of research centering on this "hydrodynamic limit". Roughly speaking, the hydrodynamic limit refers to the derivation of macroscopic partial differential equations (which may include equations other than those of fluids) by taking scale limits such as space-time and particle number in the stochastic time evolution of microscopic systems. In this field, the easy-to-handle gradient-type models have been studied, but a breakthrough came with Varadhan's work, which can be applied to more realistic non-gradient-type models, giving a powerful method for hydrodynamic limit studies. However, this method required separate treatment for each model and was not yet available in a unified manner. Dr. Sasada has tackled this problem by involving researchers in other fields, and has done important work in presenting a unified treatment for many specific models. In addition, she has been working on an approach using the Pitman transform to the time evolution of (ultra)discrete integrable systems, and on the generalized hydrodynamic limit for the Box-Ball system (which is very different from the usual derivation of macroscopic equations from the idea of local equilibrium), which opens up new fields of research. We look forward to your further activities.