
The Rigakubu News

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School of Science, University of Tokyo, Winter Break Course for High School Students 2024

Kazuo Emoto (Director, Office of Communication / Professor, Department of Biological Sciences)


From top to bottom: Professor Mio Murao, Department of Physics; Assistant Professor Ryohei Nakamura, Department of Biological Sciences; Associate Professor Hokuto Konno, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences

The lecture for high school students, which is held every year during the winter break, was held this year on Wednesday, December 25, 2024, with a hybrid of on-site participation at Koshiba Hall and distribution via the Faculty of Science's YouTube channel.

Following the opening address by Professor Shinichi Okoshi, Dean of Graduate School of Science and Head of Department of Science, Professor Mio Murao of Department of Physics gave a lecture entitled "Quantum Entanglement? by Assistant Professor Ryohei Nakamura of the Department of Mathematical Sciences, and "Non-Existence in Geometry" by Associate Professor Hokuto Konno of the Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences.

The 97 local participants listened intently to the lectures, taking notes as they had the opportunity to glimpse the cutting-edge research in each field. The lecturers took advantage of the break time to answer questions directly to the participants. This was an indication of the high level of interest of the participants. The Public Relations Office and the Information Technology Team cooperated in the facilitation and filming/distribution of the event, while the General Manager and the General Affairs Section supported the reception desk and safety management on the day of the event. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all the participants and viewers, as well as to all those who cooperated in the preparation and operation of the event.