
The Rigakubu News

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School of Science Guidance Report - Face-to-Face Meeting

Takeaki Ozawa (Head of the academic affairs committeet / Professor, Department of Chemistry)


Scene of Faculty of Science Guidance: Students representing 10 Departments talk about the attractiveness of their Departments

The Faculty of Science guidance for first-year students of the College of Arts and Sciences was held on Friday, December 6, 2025, in Room 900, Komaba during 6th period. Continuing from last year, this year's guidance was held only in person. The number of participants was about 270, almost the same number as the previous year, and the room was filled with many students.

The event began with an address by Shinichi Okoshi, Dean of Graduate School of Science and Faculty of Science. He spoke enthusiastically about the appeal of basic science, and the fascination of exploring natural science in the Faculty of Science, including examples of small discoveries that have an impact on society. Next, the author explained about the Faculty of Science's teaching affairs, including the educational environment, internationalization efforts, support system for students, selection of higher education, and career paths after graduation. Next, students from 10 Departments gave a 3-minute talk on the attractiveness of their Departments, followed by a panel discussion. The students gave passionate messages from their perspectives on why they chose science and the attractiveness of their Departments. The participating students listened attentively to the discussion, showing their deep interest in science.

The students were then divided into groups by Department for a round-table discussion with faculty members, Faculty of Science students, and graduate students. Questions from the students were accepted, and discussions were held on the characteristics and attractiveness of each Department. Many students remained until 9:00 p.m., when the guidance ended, and it was impressive to see them eagerly asking questions to the faculty and TAs.

We hope that many students who are highly motivated to learn will apply for admission to the Faculty of Science.