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Report on the 2024 Career Symposium
Satoshi Ide (Director, Career Support Office / Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Science)

Career Symposium Poster
On Thursday, November 28, 2024, the "Career Symposium: Advancement and Employment in the Faculty of Science" was held by alumni and alumnae of the Science Department. The symposium has been held onsite or in a hybrid format in previous years, but this year we decided to hold it online. D. and M.S. graduates in physics and biological sciences gave the following lectures.
1: Tomoko Takahashi (Doctor of Science, Department of Chemistry, 2014: Currently Associate Professor, Department of Molecular Biology, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University) "Now and the future as a result of doing what I wanted to do at university".
2: Hidenori Watanabe (Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Physics, 2005; Ph.D. (Science): currently Partner & Associate Director, The Boston Consulting Group) "Exploration and utilization in job selection"
3: Shunki Umezu (M.S., Department of Biological Sciences, 2020; currently with Mitsubishi Corporation, Bioscience, Fine & Chemicals Division), "Giving Back to Society through Technical Division and Job Selection"
Mr. Takahashi talked about his reasons for choosing academia and how he found his current position while balancing his research and what he was unsure about at what point in his career. Mr. Watanabe talked about how he dealt with his inner self during his doctoral job search at the time and what he learned from his work and research. Mr. Umezu talked about the importance of choosing a career path by balancing what he wants to do, what he is good at, and what he should do, as well as coordinating his master's thesis work with job hunting. The speakers were active in their current jobs, which was very helpful for students in choosing their careers. This symposium is an opportunity to hear valuable talks, and we hope that many more will attend next year's symposium and beyond. We would like to thank all the professors of the Departments who cooperated in organizing this symposium.