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Attosecond Science Nobel Prize in Physics Commemorative Lecture by Professor Pierre Agostini
Kaoru Yamauchi, Director of Attosecond Laser Facility, Project Professor, Department of Chemistry, Emeritus Professor, The University of Tokyo

Lecture by Professor Pierre Agostini
Varmt välkomna till dagens föreläsning av Professor Pierre Agostini. The introduction in Swedish by Associate Professor Erik Lötstedt (Department of Chemistry) marked the beginning of the "Festival of Attosecond Science". The music of ALFA (Attosecond Laser Science Facility) played by pianist Mitsuko Kado echoed solemnly in Yasuda Auditorium through the famous French instrument Pleyel, and the world premiere piece by Kento Udagawa invited the audience into the world of attosecond science.
Professor Pierre Agostini (Ohio State University), winner of the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics, delivered the Attosecond Science Nobel Prize Memorial Lecture at the University of Tokyo's Yasuda Auditorium on Thursday, September 26, 2024. He talked about his research in the field of attosecond laser science and his vision for attosecond science in the future, fascinating the audience. During the Q&A session, the audience was united in an exchange of opinions. Finally, Professor Louis F. DiMauro (The Ohio State University) concluded the Faculty Council with a speech on the significance of basic research and the importance of international cooperation.
We would like to express our sincere appreciation to President Teruo Fujii of The University of Tokyo, Ambassador Philippe Setton of France, Director-General Mizue Shiomi of the Research Promotion Bureau, MEXT, and Director Katsumi Midorikawa of the RIKEN Photon Science Center for their congratulatory speeches before the lecture by Professor Agostini. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and the Embassy of France in Japan for their support, the Shinsuke Koga Science Foundation for its financial support, the Graduate School of Science and School of Science and Graduate School of Engineering for their co-sponsorship, and all the sponsoring organizations for their cooperation in organizing this public lecture.