
The Rigakubu News

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Congratulation Fall 2024 Degree Conferral Ceremony and Graduation Ceremony

Editorial Committee for The Rigakubu News


From top, Dr. Gregorius Altius Pratama (Ph.D.)
Dr. Tay Gebin (M.A.) ; Dean Shinichi Okoshi delivers his ceremonial address at the Commencement Ceremony.
Photo: Public Relations Division, Central Administration Bureau, The University of Tokyo

The 2012 Fall Degree Conferral Ceremony and Graduation Ceremony were held on September 20 (Fri.), 2024, at Yasuda Auditorium. From the Graduate School of Science and the Department of Science, Shinichi Okoshi, Dean of the Graduate School, and Gregorius Altius Pratama, Ph.D., Department of Biological Sciences, and Tay Gavin, M.S., Department of Chemistry, took the podium as representatives of the Graduate School of Science.

The diploma conferment ceremony was held in Koshiba Hall, Faculty of Science Building No. 1, for the Master's Course, Doctoral Course, and The Global Science Course students.

I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all of you who have graduated and completed your studies. I look forward to your further contributions to the advancement of academic research around the world.

In addition, Dr. Shinichi Ohgoshi, Dean of Graduate School of Science, delivered a speech at the Fall Entrance Ceremony held on Tuesday, October 1, 2024.