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Report on The Future 2024 for Female Junior High and High School Students
Kaoru Sato (Chairperson of the Gender Equality Committee / Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Science)
The event "The Future of Female Junior and Senior High School Students" was held online on Saturday, August 24, 2024, to promote advancement to the Faculty of Science. Participants were 18 junior high school girls, 49 high school girls, and 2 parents. In her opening remarks, the chairperson of the Gender Equality Committee introduced photos of Antarctic observation and told the audience that in the Faculty of Science, one can develop the ability to create from "zero," that it is not arm strength that is necessary for a career in science, that various ideas are necessary for the development of science, and that there are high expectations for women in science. Associate Professor Asuka Namii, Department of Chemistry, gave a brief and easy-to-understand introduction to the Faculty of Science, followed by a lecture by Masumi Kuritani of Resonac Holdings Corporation (formerly Showa Denko K.K.) on the topic of "My Career Expanded from 'I Love Chemistry'. After obtaining a doctoral degree in Department of Chemistry, Mr. Kuritani joined Resonac Holdings and was in charge of R&D. He obtained an MBA through company-sponsored overseas study and is currently working in the Resource Management Group of the R&D Planning Department. She gave an easy-to-understand introduction of her career choices before entering university and building a career after entering the workforce.
From the lecture by Assistant Professor Yoshie Koganebuchi
Next, Assistant Professor Yoshie Koganefuchi, Department of Biological Sciences, gave a lecture titled "Human Evolution and Diversity Unraveled by Genome Analysis. She gave an interesting talk about how she started working in the private sector after completing her master's program and then went on to a doctoral program, and also discussed the regional distribution of common characteristics revealed by genome research. Each lecture was followed by many questions. In the latter half of the session, seven teaching assistants (TAs), who were selected from 10 departments in the Faculty of Science and graduate students from those departments, introduced themselves, followed by introductions of their research and questions in three rooms. According to the questionnaires, the TAs were very well received by the audience, who commented that it was good to hear about cutting-edge research and their work at companies, that they obtained useful information for thinking about their career paths, that they were able to hear about student life and laboratory life, that they learned a lot about departments other than the one they were interested in, and that they were able to hear the real voices of students. Introduction First, Mr. Shinichi Okoshi, Dean of Graduate School and Faculty of Science, gave an opening address. He spoke passionately about the appeal of exploring natural science at the Faculty of Science, including the appeal of basic science that approaches the mysteries of the natural world, and examples of major discoveries that affect society through small discoveries. Next, the author explained about the educational environment, internationalization efforts, support system for students, selection of higher education, and career paths after graduation, etc., regarding the Faculty of Science's teaching affairs. Next, Mr. Satoshi Ide, Director of the Career Support Office, explained that entering the Faculty of Science is very useful in planning one's future, that job hunting activities are going well, and that the Science and Engineering Cooperative Employment Counseling Office is functioning well.
I would like to thank Mr. Kuritani, Mr. Koganebuchi, and the TAs for their lectures, the Gender Equality Committee members for their careful preparation and execution of this event, and the members of the General Affairs and Communications & Public Relations Relations teams and other related people.
The Rigakubu News, September 2024