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Report on Faculty of Science Guidance - Face-to-face Meeting
Takemasa Ozawa (Head of Department of Chemistry, Professor)
On Wednesday, April 17, 2024, the Faculty of Science guidance for second-year students in the College of Arts and Sciences was held in Komaba Room 900. Last year, a hybrid session of face-to-face and online guidance was held, but this year, only face-to-face guidance was held due to the completion of the university's response to the new type of coronavirus infection. Although the number of participants was slightly smaller than the previous year's total of 210, the venue was filled with many students.

Shinichi Okoshi, Dean, The School of Science
The event began with opening remarks by Shinichi Okoshi, Dean of The School of Science. He spoke passionately about the appeal of exploring natural science at the Faculty of Science, including the appeal of basic science that approaches the mysteries of the natural world, and examples of major discoveries that affect society through small discoveries. Next, the author explained about the educational environment, internationalization efforts, student support system, selection of higher education, and career paths after graduation, etc., regarding the Faculty of Science's teaching affairs. Next, Mr. Satoshi Ide, Director of the Career Support Office, explained that entering the Faculty of Science is very useful in planning one's future, that job hunting activities are going well, and that the Science and Engineering Cooperative Employment Counseling Office is functioning well.
Next, the chairs of the 10 departments in the Faculty of Science gave 5-minute introductions of their departments. The students listened attentively as they were drawn in by the passionate speeches about the attractiveness of each Department, and there was loud applause after each introduction. After April 18, individual guidance sessions were held for each Department, and many students participated.
We hope that many highly motivated students will apply for admission to the Faculty of Science again this year.
Faculty of The Rigakubu News July 2024