DATE2023.06.28 #Press Releases
ALMA Digs Deeper into the Mystery of Planet Formation
Overview of the press release
Image : Artistic image of a disk around a protostar. Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO)
Initial results of the research are detailed in a series of 18 articles. Five of them, including Ohashi et al. presenting the overview of the program, were accepted in the Astrophysical Journal, and the first 4 are published on June 27, 2023 in the Astrophysical Journal. One of 4 papers (Yamato et al.) is led by Yoshihide Yamato, a PhD student in the Department Astronomy. Preprints of the 5 articles also appeared in arXiv on June 287, 2023. In addition, more articles based on further detailed analysis are in preparation.
Yuri Aikawa (Professor : Department of Astronomy, School of Science, The University of Tokyo) and Yoshihide Yamato (Ph.D. student : Department of Astronomy, School of Science, The University of Tokyo) have contributed to this research.
To read the full press release, please visit the website of National Astronomical Observatory of Japan and The ALMA Project.
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