
Press Releases

DATE2025.02.04 #Press Releases

Phonon hopping control in a continuous-variable-type trapped-ion quantum computer


A research group led by Project Professor Kaoru Yamanouchi at Department of Chemistry, School of Science, The University of Tokyo/ Institute for Attosecond Laser Facility, the University of Tokyo, in collaboration with a research group led by Professor Takashi Mukaiyama of the Institute of Science Tokyo, has developed a theoretical scheme to generate and control entanglement between multiple ions in a continuous-variable-type trapped-ion quantum computer.

Associated with the recent rapid development of quantum computer technologies, which aims at realizing their operation with a large number of qubits and their practical applications, the necessity of developing quantum error correction methods has been attracting keen attention. A quantum error correction of one logical qubit represented by continuous variables was previously demonstrated using a trapped-ion quantum computer. On the other hand, in order to control the entanglement between ions in the continuous-variable-type trapped-ion quantum computer, it is necessary to control the phonon hopping, which is still a difficult task. In the present study, the research groups showed that the entanglement between ions can be controlled with high accuracy by modulating the trap potential. The application of this method to logical qubits is expected to further accelerate the development of continuous-variable-type trapped-ion quantum computers.

Figure : Conceptual diagram of the proposed phonon-hopping control method (C3PO)

Links:Institute of Science Tokyo


Journal name Physical Review A
Title of paper
Cancellation of phonon hopping in trapped ions by modulation of the trap potential
Authors Takanori Nishi, Ryoichi Saito, Takashi Mukaiyama, Kaoru Yamanouchi*(*Corresponding author)
DOI Number 10.1103/PhysRevA.111.022401