
Press Releases

DATE2024.12.23 #Press Releases

Observation of candidate giant resonance corresponding to double beta decay

-- Pioneering a new research field using heavy ion reactions


A research group led by Akane Sakaue, teaching assistant and Kentaro Yako, Associate Professor at the Center for Nuclear Study, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Tomohiro Uesaka, Director of the Nuclear Dynamics Research Group, RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science, Shinsuke Ota, Associate Professor at the Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University, Juzo Zenihiro, Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, and Noritaka Shimizu, Associate Professor at the Center for Computational Sciences at the University of Tsukuba has observed a candidate of new excitation mode of nuclei called the double-Gamow-Teller giant resonance.

In this study, a heavy ion beam of 12C at the RIKEN RI Beam Factory was irradiated to a 48Ca target, and the newly developed double charge exchange (12C, 12Be(0+2 )) reaction was measured in order to identify transitions in which the Gamow-Teller transition of converting a neutron into a proton occurs twice in 48Ca.

The results of this study may provide clues to the nuclear response involved in neutrino-less double beta decay (Fig.)


Figure: Image of double Gamow-Teller giant resonance
The double beta decaying nucleus 48Ca slowly decays to 48Ti in nature. Gamow-Teller giant resonance (known) and double Gamow-Teller giant resonance (undiscovered) appear when the 48Ca nucleus is energized by using heavy ion beams.

Links: RIKEN, University of Tsukuba, Osaka University, Kyoto University (in Japanese)


Journal name
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
Title of paper