
Press Releases

DATE2024.05.22 #Press Releases

How plants mate for life and repel other suitors

~New method to observe the contents of flowers to determine how males and females form a bond~

Summary of Presentations

Researchers at Nagoya University and Prof. Higashiyama group at the University of Tokyo in Japan have used a unique microscopic technique to examine the dynamics of pollen tubes in the Arabidopsis plant. They were able to observe the mechanism of one-to-one pollen tube guidance, a process that ensures successful pollination of plants. This process is influenced by multistep repelling and attracting signals. The results are important for the cultivation of crops, especially under unfavorable environmental conditions.

Figure : Deep imaging reveals dynamics and signaling in one-to-one pollen tube guidance (Yoko Mizutai, et al. EMBO reports. May 21, 2024).
Provided by Issey Takahashi, Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (WPI-ITbM), Nagoya University.

Nagoya University



Journal name EMBO reports
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