DATE2023.12.06 #Press Releases
Elucidation of the quantum teleportation of "Majorana particles," illusive elementary particles
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--Towards the realization of topological quantum computers--
Osaka University
School of Science, The University of Tokyo
Gakushuin University
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
Summary of Presentations
A research team consisting of a graduate student Masahiro Takahashi, an associate professor Takeshi Mizushima, a professor Satoshi Fujimoto from Osaka Univerisity, Masahiko Yamada, a specially-appointed lecturer at the University of Tokyo, and a professor Masafumi Udagawa from Gakushuin University has theoretically clarified the phenomenon of quantum teleportation (Figure), which utilizes the quantum entanglement of Majorana particles existing in a special magnetic material.
A Majorana particle, theoretically proposed as one of the elementary particles in 1937, is a phantom particle that has not been experimentally discovered. Recently, the possibility of the appearance of Majorana particles in special magnetic insulators has been pointed out, and the search for Majorana particles in real materials has been actively conducted. Until now, Majorana particles in materials were known to be in a strongly quantum entangled state, but the method to experimentally measure this state was still unknown.
In this study, by combining analytical and theoretical calculations and numerical simulations, they have elucidated that quantum teleportation, in which two electron spins at a distance exchange information with each other via quantum entanglement of the Majorana particles in materials, and have shown that this phenomenon can be measured electrically. This research may be the first time that quantum teleportation has been demonstrated in Majorana particles in specific magnetic insulators. This measurement can contribute to the search for Majorana particles in real materials and to the realization of a topological quantum computer using Majorana particles.
Figure: Schematic diagram of the quantum teleportation. Majorana particles (yellow circles) in materials form a quantum entangled state, leading to the quantum teleportation of electron spins (two thick arrows).
For more information, please visit the Osaka University website.
Journal name Physical Review LettersTitle of paper