DATE2023.05.11 #Awards & Prizes
Professor Kei Hirose elected as a Foreign Member of the Royal Society
Kei Hirose of UTokyo was elected as a Foreign Member of the Royal Society on May 10, 2023. He is a professor of Geology and Geophysics at the Department of Earth & Planetary Science, School of Science.
Professor Kei Hirose
The Royal Society is a self-governing Fellowship of renowned scientists, engineers, and technologists. The Society recognizes, promotes, and supports excellence in science for the benefit of humanity. Each year the Fellowship proposes around 800 candidates from which they elect up to 10 Foreign Members. In 2023, they elected 19 Foreign Members reflecting a broader and more engaged Fellowship.
Prof. Hirose was elected as a Foreign Member recognizing his research achievements in “investigating the processes in the Earth’s core,” according to a press release from the Royal Society.
Prof. Hirose said: "It is a great honor not only for myself but also for our group members including those in the past. We are really delighted that our research has been highly recognized."
As a Foreign Member of the Royal Society, Prof. Hirose joins the ranks of renowned members such as Stephen Hawking, Dorothy Hodgkin, Charles Darwin, and Albert Einstein.
For more information, please visit the following links.
The Royal Society press release:
About the fellowship:
About Prof. Hirose: