DATE2022.11.18 #Announcements for Undergraduate Students
The 2023 Study and Visit Abroad Program (SVAP 2023)
The 2023 Study and Visit Abroad Program (SVAP 2023)
―Outbound students―
Applications for the SVAP 2023 program are now being accepted. The deadline is February 2, 2023 (Thursday) at noon (JST, Japan Standard Time, GMT+0900).
The Faculty of Science at the University of Tokyo invites current undergraduate students with strong initiative, to apply for the SVAP 2023 program. We will fund students who wish to either pursue a research internship or attend short term courses such as summer school courses at a university or research institute abroad.
Maximum total number of awardees: 13
Period of stay: 2 weeks to 2 months between May 16th, 2023 and February 29th, 2024
Submission of applications: By February 2, 2023, 12:00 noon JST, by upload onto the designated link.
Program details:
Students can choose between the following types of Study and Visit Abroad:
Type A: The candidate designs his or her own research internship abroad scheme and contacts a faculty member or a researcher at the host institution directly. Candidates must submit a Letter of Acceptance Form filled out and signed by a professor or associate professor (or a researcher of equivalent status) at the hosting institution.
Type B1: The candidate applies to attend a Summer Session at the University of California. The Summer Session course fees at the University of California will be exempted in accordance with the Agreement between the University of California and UTokyo Faculty of Science.
Type B2: The candidate applies to an existing program abroad. In principle, the existing program can be any fixed-term internship program/summer program or a summer/winter school other than one which falls under Type B1.
Funding will be available for housing, airfare and living expenses, and will not, in principle, exceed JPY 650,000 per program participant.
Candidates opting for Type A and Type B1 will be given a higher priority in the selection process.
Selection Process: Those who pass the document screening may be invited for an interview. The interview, which will be held in English, is expected to be scheduled in February~March 2023. Final results will be sent to all applicants by email in late March, 2023.
Report: Participants will be required to submit an SVAP 2023 report within one month after their return to Japan.
Please refer to the original program announcement in Japanese for the exact rules and the Application Forms – [WORD file] .
Link to the SVAP Application Page (in Japanese):
International Team, Academic Affairs Office, Room 275,
Faculty of Science Bldg 1 East Wing, Hongo Campus
Faculty of Science
The University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
TEL:03-5841-7953 FAX:03-5841-8775