
Announcements for Undergraduate Students
Announcements for Graduate Students

DATE2022.04.19 #Announcements for Undergraduate Students#Announcements for Graduate Students

Recruitment] Astellas Foundation for Pathophysiology and Metabolism Study Abroad Grants for FY2022

Disclaimer: machine translated by DeepL which may contain errors.

Astellas Research Foundation for Pathophysiology and Metabolism invites applications for Study Abroad Grants for FY2022,

The details can be found at the following URL

For details, please refer to the following URL

How to apply

Direct application.

The seal of the Dean of the Graduate School is not required.

After applying, please submit one copy of the application documents to the Graduate School, Research Support and External Funding Team, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research.

Foundation Deadline

Tuesday, May31, 2022, 16:00 (strictly enforced)


When a researcher receives a research grant, etc,

The University of Tokyo shall immediately file the donation procedures with the University of Tokyo in accordance with Article 13 of the Regulations for Handling Donations of the University of Tokyo,

(2) The donation must not be accounted for privately.

However, there are cases in which commendation money for research achievements does not need to be accepted as a donation,

Please confirm with the person in charge.

Please be aware that the donation can be executed from the date of receipt of the payment.


For the open call for applications, which will be announced through the Central Administration Bureau, please refer to the following URL.

The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science

Research Support and External Funding Team (in charge of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research), Accounting Section