DATE2021.12.23 #Awards & Prizes
Professor Tetsubei Yamada wins the 18th JSPS Prize
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Professor Tetsubei Yamada of the Department of Chemistry has received the 18th (FY2021) Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) PRIZE Award for his work on "Development of thermochemical batteries using thermoresponsive molecular science. This prize is awarded to young and mid-career researchers under the age of 45 who are recognized as having achieved particularly outstanding academic results.
Professor Yamada introduced a thermoresponsive molecular science approach to thermoelectric conversion devices called thermochemical batteries. Starting with the discovery that the Seebeck coefficient of thermochemical batteries can be improved by using the host-guest reaction of cyclodextrins and triiodides, he has introduced a wide range of molecular chemistry techniques, including LCST phase transitions, proton-conjugated electron transfer reactions, and interactions between metal complexes and micelles We have demonstrated that the Seebeck coefficient of thermochemical batteries can be improved by introducing a wide variety of molecular chemistry techniques, including LCST phase transitions, proton-conjugated electron transfer reactions, and metal complex-micelle interactions. As a result, high Seebeck coefficients for both p- and n-type batteries were achieved. In addition to the significant contribution to the performance improvement of thermochemical batteries, these studies have contributed to the advancement of complex chemistry and molecular assembly science.
We congratulate Professor Yamada on receiving this award and wish him continued success in his endeavors.
The 18th JSPS Prize
(Responsibility: Professor Tetsuya Hasegawa, Department of Chemistry)