DATE2021.07.01 #Press Releases
Inauguration of The University of Tokyo's "Collaborative Research Organization for Comprehensive Energy Sciences" (July 1, 2021)
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Faculties, Graduate Schools, and Institutes collaborate to create a new academic principle, "Energy Science", by integrating the humanities and sciences, andaim to develop human resources who will contribute to society by putting this academic principle into practice.
The University of Tokyo
The University of Tokyo (hereinafter referred to as "The University of Tokyo"), in collaboration with the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), the National Institute for Materials Science and Technology (NIMS), and the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), aims to develop and implement solutions to realize a safe, secure, and prosperous decarbonized society as "Energy Science" in response to strong social demand regarding energy issues, as well as to create a new academic science that combines the humanities and science. The Collaborative Research Organization for Comprehensive Energy Sciences (Director: Professor Takaharu Matsuhashi, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo) will be established across 10 Faculties, Graduate Schools of Engineering, and Institutes to create a new academic science.
Outline of the Organization
The Institute of Engineering Innovation will establish a Collaborative Research Organization for Comprehensive Energy Sciences that covers the total energy system from production, transportation, conversion, and utilization of energy, and that handles analysis, synthesis, and social implementation in a wide range of fields from research and development of energy-related technologies to design of energy policies and systems. We will contribute to the realization of energy systems with low environmental impact that support a safe, secure, and prosperous society.
To this end, the Collaborative Research Organization for Comprehensive Energy Sciences aims to create a new academic science (energy sciences) that integrates the humanities and sciences to comprehensively examine policies and energy systems as well as technological development, and to put this academic science into practice and implement it in society.
In collaboration with the Institute for Comprehensive Energy Sciences, the Institute of Engineering Innovation, and RIKEN as external organizations, Faculties, Graduate Schools, and Institutes will promote research, education, and social collaboration through interdepartmental and academic-industry-government collaboration, and contribute to wide-ranging social change toward the realization of a desirable energy system.
Organization Diagram Faculties, Graduate Schools, and Institutes of Collaborative Research Organizations for Comprehensive Energy Sciences
For more information, please visit the website of Graduate School of Engineering.