
Press Releases

DATE2021.01.13 #Press Releases

Successful fluorescence XAFS analysis using superconducting transition edge detector TES

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~ Pioneering the edge of applications in ultra-trace analysis and emission spectroscopy ~ ~ The

Rikkyo University

Tokyo Metropolitan University

Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute

Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo

Japan Atomic Energy Agency

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Chubu University


Graduate School of Science, Osaka University

Kanazawa University

Saitama University Graduate School of Science and Engineering

JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science


Associate Professor Shinya Yamada and Assistant Professor Yuto Ichido at Rikkyo University, Research Fellow Tomoya Uruga, Research Fellow Seifumi Nitta and Senior Researcher Hiroki Sekizawa at Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI), and Professor Yoshio Takahashi at Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo have collaborated with an international team of experts to promote the use of superconducting Transition Edge They succeeded in the world's first fluorescence XAFS (X-ray absorption spectroscopy) analysis of environmental samples using TES at the BL37XU beamline of SPring-8, paving the way for applications to ultra-trace analysis and emission spectroscopy. This research has been published in the "Review of

This research was published online on January 13, 2021 (2:00 a.m. JST) in the U.S. journal Review of Scientific Instruments. This research will enable sensitive state analysis of ultra-trace elements in terrestrial, environmental, extraterrestrial materials, and biological samples using fluorescence XAFS, and is also expected to be developed into high-precision emission spectroscopy methods such as high-energy-resolution X-ray fluorescence detection X-ray absorption near-edge structure method (HERFD-XANES method) TES is a technique for cosmic X-ray TES is being studied for various applications such as cosmic X-ray observation, atomic and molecular physics, and nuclear physics. This achievement is the first step toward nondestructive analysis of asteroidal materials brought back by Hayabusa2 and extraterrestrial samples obtained in future sample return programs.

Figure: (Left) X-ray spectrum of the standard material obtained by Spring-8. (Right) External view of TES during the experiment.

For more information, please visit the Rikkyo University website.